I've been working on a map all day and I simply moved the starting spawns, CTF, strongholds, etc. up higher in the level still within the sky box for later. When I was ready to place the items I discovered that I am unable to select them to do anything with them. Has anybody encountered this problem before? Please help. and thank you!
I had this once before, but it was between two Forge sessions that some object became unable to be selected. Anyway, I think I just grouped and ungrouped some objects and they became unstuck. Don't know if this will work for you.
I had some of my FX smoke become unselectable. I had to abandon that interation and rebuild from a previous one
Thanks for the help. I did end up grouping 2 objects then ungrouping them. After that half my map shook and went crazy but after ungrouping I was able to select everything again. It's annoying though having to re-align so much though