So it seems like the consensus is that we move the lobby to Saturdays which seem like a good idea to me too. I will keep the time at 5pm PST for now and see if that works out. Please sign up below in the comments section by leaving your gamertag and the name of the map you would like to test. You may still sign up if you don't have a map or if the 8 slots are full, but you will be added to a backup roster. 1.Chronmeister-Chestnut 2.Xandrith-Bastille CTF 3.purely fat-hot trash Strongholds 4.J2H Executioner 5.Sacui 6. 7. 8. Backups 1. 2.
FYI: The Forge customs event is set up to take place at the same time as this weeks TCOJ. @Xandrith Bastille is scheduled to be play tested during this time. I would be happy to participate in any future TCOJ though.
Bryte, please list the time or give me.a link to something I can read about this. I never knew about it. Xandrith let me k ow if you are attending the other Lobby and if I should take you off the list or change the start time.
It is located in the halo discussion section.
Awesome, Saturdays I can do. Now I just don't know which lobby to go to lol. I just finished "Deluge," my remake of Halo 2's Backwash that I'd like to work into the lineup if possible. I have it setup up for CTF and Strongholds, so we can play any gametype (would prefer strongholds or slayer though). I should have a thread up for it later tonight.
I think we're doing the Forge customs event that xxBRYTExx linked above this week since it's on the same day.
Im really sorry if i intruded by scheduling an event at the same time as this - i promise it was inadvertent.
Chestnut I never got round to saying how much i enjoyed Chestnut. I have seen a lot of maps from you Chron, but this is in my opinion, your best. In fact it was so good i have been forced to re-evaluate my own forging, Which seems stilted and old-fashioned compared to yours. Obviously this is all just my opinion, but Chestnut seems to be everything halo 5 maps need to be to succeed. Aesthetics: the crisp clean lines of this map show you very well where you can reach allow you to traverse it with ease. The colour palette you have used is subtle and effective, as is the lighting. Gameplay: as an asymmetrical slayer map should do, the layout promotes constant movement and the sightlines allow flanking and sniping without making the latter too strong. The old halo gameplay principles are upheld whilst the new mechanics are promoted very well. You can clamber without it feeling awkward or intrusive as it often does, so what is actually a highly vertical map becomes more fluid movement up and down. And ground pound therefore becomes a legit strategy due to that same verticality. No one seemed to get a bad spawn on the games we played so thats another positive. I have played a heck of a lot of forge maps, some amazing, some not so, but its not often I play one which makes me think "goddamit, i wish I had made this" and this does just that. IMO.
You deserve a little recognition. By the way, if i dont join your testing lobbies its just cos i am on a roll with something and dont want to leave what i am doing