Remember me anyone?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tutui99, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. Tutui99

    Tutui99 Forerunner

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    Hey everyone!

    Its been years since I was on this site, much less played any halo. I originate back in the beginnings of Halo: Reach forge, and along with forging a few maps of my own, I hosted Friday night custom games every week. If anyone is still on Foregehub that remembers me, I'm finally BACK!!! Halo 5 has me pumped up to forge again, and I cant wait to get back into the forge community. Some of the best times I ever had gaming were witht the guys from Forgehub.

    Hope to hear from some of you old timers!
  2. Hardcore Hero

    Hardcore Hero Legendary

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    a lot of people share your story, including me, I wasn't very active here on Forgehub, but I was on ReachingPerfection, feels good to be back eh?

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