Hey, it was an accident last time! You teabagged me so I wanted to return the favor... I accidentally teabagged S_tygard55[1] instead of just S_tygard....
Actually that is false, I never tea-bag somebody until they teabag The wife or I first. Anyways Back on topic. Shock, just for kicks if get a party rolling and want to play CItadel. shoot me an invite.
FHEAP is go if we have enough people. I'm in. I'll make a topic in premium for unofficial sign-ups. I can see Citadel being a FAIL if the huge numbers of 4 post members are playing, but the after party is a good time to run some games.. and tygard I will remember to invite whenever I see you on and Citadel is happening.
Shock just thought I'd point out that guy who was ripping on your map has changed his tone now that I posted. I guess my word does carry some weight on the Bungie forums.
In counterstrike there are maps that are so good people host servers JUST for the one map. I have to say this is one of those maps; I'd play for hours skirming or something. GJ shock. Invite me if your playing some games =D
Indeed, and he posted in Convoy too. You use jedi mind tricks! Seriously though thanks for stopping by the B.net thread and doing your thing, it's appreciated man. That's the best compliment I've ever had on a map. Thank you and I'm really glad you enjoy it so much dude! FHEAP for some of that action, unofficial sign-up is a sticky in the premium section.
I guess the "Heroic Member" rank that I have been given on Bungie.net does make people listen. Either that or they can't resist my boyish good looks.
i don't get this map.... at all is it suppose to confuse people? is it a remake of something, like mass effect's citadel? and any map that requires more than 1 game variant is not worth a download; i already over 80 custom items and with under 20 spaces left im just looking for versatile maps not 5 item wasters
I don't think anyone will figure it out, except British people of course...just like their humor or humour
Kinda. You can learn it after a few play throughs. It's also quicker if you do it in forge. Once you get it it's surprisingly simple. No, they just share a name. Good news. The gametypes are not required - as I posted the details (and they're intentionally not dissimilar to the bungie defaults) you can construct them on the fly and not have to download. The only essential change from the defaults is modifying the custom powerup to something similar to my version. As for having One sided CTF, Assault and Territories, they are the gametypes the map supports, and if people want to download the gametype but hate CTF then they can still enjoy the map... Putting a map out that is competitive and not a specific minigame without options is a bit lazy nowadays. If you do play more, I hope you achieve clarity...
Every time I think "Wow, I made a really cool map, I need to share it", something like this comes out and makes me weep man-tears of shame. Bravo, good sir! Insanely well done map. I'm not quite sure where the confusion lies with some people; to me it's just the gift that keeps on giving. This one will be in the playlist for a long time.