ForgeHub Site Update

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Dec 29, 2015.

By ForgeHub on Dec 29, 2015 at 4:15 PM
  1. ForgeHub

    ForgeHub The heart of the Forge community
    Administrator Senior Member

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    ANNOUNCEMENT: ForgeHub v3

    ForgeHub will be receiving a site update tomorrow December 30 and will be offline for approximately 6 - 12 hours until the migration process is complete. We hope you enjoy the update as a lot of thought and care was required to deliver this experience to you. ForgeHub v3 is intended to build a better foundation for the site in both back and front end utility. While fixing and addressing many issues with this update we are aware of the possibility that new ones may surface as a result. There are no new features to announce at this time however we will make updates as we build and move forward, so please share your thoughts with us and help make ForgeHub a better experience.

    Tomorrow, December 30th
    6 - 12 Hours

    Thursday, December 31

    The update is intended to preserve essential functionality while we transition to the next phase and will be seeing more updates and hot fixes in the future. Thanks for participating on ForgeHub, we look forward to providing the best atmosphere for everyone to express their creativity, enthusiasm for level design and build new friendships with the community here.

    <3 - The ForgeHub Team
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Dec 29, 2015.

    1. cluckinho
      Looks great. One bug I noticed was on mobile, you can't pick the second to last page of a thread. Like it'll go 55,56,57, then 59 for example.
      a Chunk and WAR like this.
    2. Audentio
      This should be fixed now.
      ReclaimerX22 and a Chunk like this.
    3. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      For those that didn't see the post in the other thread, the error that was preventing people from posting maps has now been resolved.
      WAR likes this.
    4. ReclaimerX22
      Yup, worked for me. Thanks!
    5. TickleMeBuddha
    6. Chef Linguini
      Chef Linguini
      Since FileShare is a bit broken at the moment, I have an idea to make it a bit easier. But I doubt it would work.

      Is there a way to make the "Download Map" link send you to where a friend request is automatically sent (maybe you have to login) to the map creator?
      WAR likes this.
    7. WAR
      How are load times when accessing the map page? Does anyone feel any difference at all? If so, is it on the 'search map page' (horizontal list) or the individual 'map page' images?

      That's a good suggestion Chef - perhaps we could do something like this.
    8. Rifte
      Finally got on the browser version, not married to the home page like at all. I liked pretty much any iteration of the old layout more where you can see a preview of what the article was about, and you scroll down the page to view the last few FH articles. Don't really feel like there's any logical ordering to the page either and it doesn't help that all the thumbnails are all the same pic of MC (I assume this is only for articles before the udpate though). Just my 0.02, I like most of the rest of the site otherwise though.

      As a suggestion, maybe on the home page make a sidebar for the x most recently uploaded maps?
      Xandrith likes this.
    9. TurbTastic
      The Map Resource Icons need to be at the same aspect ratio of Xbox Screenshots. All the icons look a bit distorted right now. Liking it a lot otherwise.
    10. Zombievillan
      The maps section is a lot better on mobile now but I feel like I'm not getting all my alerts like I was on the old site. Even now when I click the flag it's only showing me some of the new posts when there are more that have come before & after the ones it is showing. Other than that everything seems fine.
    11. Eodmg
      The new update is really nice! I like what you've done with the design. I have one minor problem though. The only way I used to browse this site was through recent posts and unless I'm missing something, I don't think it's there anymore. It's a really convenient and efficient way of browsing the site and it would be a shame if it were lost in this beautiful site update.
    12. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      I used it constantly too. I don't know for sure if it will make a comeback. In the meantime, I found an old link that still works. You'll just have to bookmark it.
      SecretSchnitzel and Xandrith like this.
    13. SecretSchnitzel
      Oddly enough, you can find new posts when viewing from the mobile website. As my laptop sucks and my phone rocks, I think I'll be doing most my browsing from the latter.
      a Chunk likes this.
    14. WAR
      Quite true, if you adjust the browser screen size on your computer to be mobile shaped the 'menu' is visible.
      a Chunk likes this.
    15. Overdoziz
      Can you guys please make it so people need to have a thumbnail in order to post a map? Looks really ugly right now with all the default images. Also, when I try to open a map in a new tab using the middle mouse button it opens a new tab but the current tab also goes to the map page.
    16. aPK
      I think the Maps page looks a lot worse, and a lot of it probably has to do with the font choice. I would just mimic the fonts of the Forums, but that's just me.
      WAR likes this.
    17. x Arsassin x
      x Arsassin x
      First thing I noticed is there is no filter, I'd like to be able to look at only Halo 5 maps maybe make Categories by game and then use the categories you have currently but as sub categories.

      Also is there a way to link the "Download Map" button to the xbox live website where if I'm logged into xbox live's site I can just add the user to my friends list easier than having to do a separate search?

      We need to convince 343 to bring back Halo Reach's File Share System!
      theSpinCycle and WAR like this.
    18. ForgeHub
      1. - 'Featured Maps' section moved below 'News' section on homepage.
      2. - 'Events Calendar' added to homepage
      3. - 'Twitter Feed' sidebar added to homepage
      4. - 'Enhanced Search' and 'Elastic Search' installed to improve search functionality.
      5. - Default game set to Halo 5 when submitting map
      6. - Improved image carousel functionality on map page
      Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2016
      WAR likes this.
    19. ForgeHub
      1. - Image stretching for thumbnail images shown on 'Maps' page are fixed. All thumbnail images for maps posted before today will still appear stretched or constrained. All images for maps submitted from today on will appear with correct proportions.
      theSpinCycle and a Chunk like this.
    20. ForgeHub
      1. Formatting: Automatically capitalize map titles when shown on in the horizontal map list. This is the 'search map page'.
      2. Bug Fix: 'Trending Maps' sidebar now displays and updates information. All data fields previously showed up as zero. This area displays maps with most comments for the last 30 days.
      3. Co-Forger author name is now displayed in the horizontal map list next to the primary author. Now reads: "author and co-forger, time".
      4. 'Comments' and 'Views' are now visible on the search map page. Values were previously set at zero per map and did not update. This is the small image icon that shows up with a number next to it for each map in the horizontal map listing.
      5. 'Top Maps' sidebar now display ratings for each map.

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