Nice tut, sir. I'm impressed you don't have to use side stabilizers to keep the box straight when it glitches in.
very nice, its so annoying when i plan a map and then BOOM, stupid crane messed everything up. NOT ANYMORE, freakin crane...
Nice tutorial. You didn't use a door though? I thought that was the only way you could geoglitch. Could these mean you can geo glitch on Rats Nest?
Kudos for making the explanation so easy to understand. Clearly, your method is much easier than using the door method for GeoLocking with the crane. "GeoLocking" can be done with any immovable object. The most popular way is with the door method as the results can be measured in a predictable manner without using a Save & Quit. The method above was actually the first method discovered (or at least posted), but due to its S&Q nature, the door method is usually preferred. But as you can see, both methods have their specific applications; different scenarios call for different methods. --dc
awesome. and easy. which is very good. but one question, and similar stuff has happened to me, why couldn't he delete the other box? cuz that's happened in my forgeings where i couldn't delete a certain box w/e for some reason...why??
for some reason, stuff that u set to not spawn at the begining of the game, will spawn in the begining of a forge round. just simply start a new round, wait for it to spawn, then delete it.
or set the run time minimum to the highest it will go to force spawn it, then back down to go back to normal.
Great tut, but can you do us a favor, and make a tutorial on how to do that with an angle? I just did it, and I wanna cry, want to see if you have some god status at it ;-P
Ya, as plain as a completely flat and square box would be, it would be every forgers dream, but then we would all just complain about the item limit, or the fact of how you have to geo-glitch or something, i know i do already xD
people will always complain, and i would make a tut for angles, but someone has already covered that, ow welll
all i see on the first post is "This is a tut on how to do it" thats all i see i dont see a tutorial on how to do it.
Well thanks for bringing it back up to the first page so more people will say the same thing -_- It's SIX weeks old if you would take a look at the top left side of his the video could be down by now...