preetty average map, waste my life tony hehe bro you should thread some of your other maps! they're mean as
Hmmm this looks very cool and i could definitly see me playing this but I do think the humans side is overpowering the covenent Just from the scrrenshot it seems like there are a little of heavy artillery on the human side and weak artillery on the covenent, so may i suggest you even it out other than that i can see me and my friends playing this
Two words: vehicle. spamming. There are vehicles on this map that are invariably eclipsed by better options, e.g. ghost vs. chopper, mongoose vs. hog. Besides, an army of ghosts against two well-piloted scorpions? The ghosts will be blown to pieces before you can say cannon fodder. This map might be good for teams of 8 on 8, but I feel that anything else will play out less than ideally.
Power weapons arent all that bad. This looks like a nice map for fooling around with friends. Just killing nonstop.
simple idea but looks really cool i like how u called them very casural u could hav made more like sniper towers
to be honest i dont think it matters how old they are as long as thier good and fun and ive seen HvC maps b4 and im teellin you this looks alot better 4/5 carry on makin good maps
nice job, this probably took awhile. But this has been done way many times before. i also think this belongs in the casual maps
Looks cool, but it does seem a little unfair for the Covenant. Rocket Launcher > Fuel Rod Gun Scorpian > Wraith Hornet > Banshee Anyway, it looks well made, so post some of your other maps!