For some of you that are making swat maps or other maps with small armories and want to give it that huge aesthetic touch, then you really need to know how to mount weapons on the wall. All you need to do is interlock the weapon holder into the wall. its pretty simple. First get your wall and make it not spawn at the start. then get a fence box or something else that will help guide you in the right spot and make it touch the wall. then start a new round and use the save and quit method to float the holder sideways. then wait for the wall to spawn and put your weapon or equipment on it. hurrah for aesthetics! Heres some pics: Before Weapon holder on the side with fence box for a guide After For Fun Well, that concludes my tutorial on how to mount weapons on walls. remember people, aesthetics are an important part in maps. the map that i first used this in was in my polishedlake map in my sig. Any questions you need just post here and happy forging to all!
Oldy but goody. However, I strongly suggest NOT making armories. It's nice, however, when it's a single power weapon, like a sword, just floating in the middle of the map, seemingly unsupported.
Sword looks great like that, i did it for Terminal. I also did it for the Grav Hammer on Ayleid. Its an old technique but its still a great thing to use to make your weapons look nicer and be more accessable.
yeh i know armories are bad but i'm just saying for aesthetic maps or really small armories. and i know its pretty old i just never saw a proper tut yet to i thought i would make one.
This looks like a great asthetic to use in the armory for the machinima I'm workin on. =] (I will post machinima on FH when done)
personnally, if i have the walls left over, I'll just merg em or use window panels if i haven't used those yet and make a small resting edges or tables. gives a different look and feel.
well my trick has a lower profile so if you just have like a house where you can see from the outside, it would look awkward to see walls or window panels sticking out the wall.
thats true. I only use it however in like say areas where you cant see the outside.. like the inside of a base or inclosed maps...... I had a screen shot once of it... garg. ill go take it again
Thanks so much for this guide i really needed it man thanks again 5/5 for the guide! i always wondered how people did that.
do you think this would work to place the weapon holder inside of a box( near the outside) and have the object float outside the box?
Hey, does this have anything to do with 2 swords placed in an X on the wall? I saw a map with it and thought it looked cool. Anyway, is it possible to merge the weapon holders in deep enough so that they are no longer visible when the walls spawn? Cause from what I see from your pics, they are sticking slightly out of the walls.