o CUJ0 o submitted a new map: Dorm - Ever wanted to play as a 6 in tall toy hero? Read more about this map...
This looks fun to play on! I think it would make for a great machinima set, Maybe a Toy Story with Spartans!
So when you leave you 3D printed spartan in your room alone, he comes to life and starts climbing everywhere... Untill Andy comes home. Ironic it's a collage dorm and Andy's in collage. lol
As a matter of fact, my name's Andy... and you are correct. (no really, my name is Andy) : ) --- Double Post Merged, Dec 23, 2015 --- As a matter of fact, my name's Andy... and you are correct. (no really, my name is Andy) : )
Yes, I loved the 'Army Men' game for N64... it was a total blast. I may have to revisit some of those maps and possibly make this map part of a series of Toy Heroes or something. Thanks!
Sweet. Love the idea! I will add you and let me know if you need help testing. I am somewhat new to Forge. (Played around a lot on Reach back in the day but NEVER finished a map... )
That is way cool. Whenever we get more gametypes, it'd be sweet if there was a "get to the checkpoint" one we could create for a parkour-ish map. You could make variations of different rooms in the house!
Well yall, I've gotten lots of great feedback and definitely some misses on my part (gaps in the floors, spawn issues etc. But seeing as I'm heading to Seattle for a week come tomorrow morning, I won't be able to make the changes until then. I'll let you all know once I've worked on it some more. Thanks for the kind words and DL's!
Good job on this map. This is definitely a unique idea I have yet to see. I saw this featured on RecklessRiley's Youtube Channel here: