Hey, all. I'm looking to rebuild World of Warcraft's "Warsong Gulch" battleground in Halo 5. I'm quite new to forging but have always been fascinated with it and would love to get pretty involved with it this time around. If any of you would like to work with me on this, feel free to let me know! I'll post updates here as I make progress. As of now, I'm building on the Breakout canvas and am working to make the Horde base out of rocks for authenticity's sake. That being said, I'm worried about the item limit and may end up scrapping the idea of building the bases with the intention of making them look like they are from WoW and going with the same geometric shapes of the bases, but with Halo 5's walls, floors, etc. If I take that route, I'd like to mix in aspects to make it feel like WoW if possible. Again, any help will be greatly appreciated!
Good news: The Horde Base is pretty much done. Bad news: We've pretty much capped out on physics. Proper scaling has required quite a bit of phasing, and that apparently takes a massive toll on the physics budget. I may have to suspend this idea for now until I figure out a better approach.
Physics is almost entirely based on the use of rocks. You'll use very little of the physics budget if you d0n't use rocks. Perhaps look at how you might do what you were already doing with terrain pieces mixed in with rocks rather than all rocks like your OP made it sound? note: My description of the physics budget is surely not the actual "definition", but its something I've noticed.
That would make a lot of sense; we've used a TON of rocks so far (the Horde base's tunnel is made almost entirely of rocks), all of which are phased.