
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Nemihara, May 28, 2008.

  1. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by: Nemihara
    This once busy section of the GWC Pipelines under the Tsavo Highway
    has been derelict ever since the evacuation. 6-8 players.

    [jumpto=pic0]This is boring! Just get to the pictures of the map![/jumpto]
    Or at least take me to the download page!

    All Gametypes Supported
    Suggested Gametypes:

    • Slayer
      • Slayer
      • Team Slayer
      • FH 1v1 Showdown
    • Oddball
      • Oddball
      • Team Oddball*
    • CTF
      • Multi Flag
      • One Flag
    • Assault
      • Assault
      • Neutral Bomb
      • One Bomb
    • Territories
      • Territories
      • Land Grab*
      • Conquest
    (* denotes an untested gametype)

    Weapons List:
    • Plasma Pistol X2 ( secs)
    • SMG X4 (2 clips, 0 clips; 20 secs, 10 secs)
    • Plasma Rifle X2 (20 secs)
    • Assault Rifle X4 (2 clips; 30 secs)
    • Battle Rifle X4 (1 clips; 45 secs)
    • Sniper Rifle X2 (1 clip; 90 secs)
    • Sentinel Beam X2 (90 secs)
    • Brute Shot X1 (1 clips; 60 secs)
    • Fuel Rod Gun X1 (1 clips; 60 secs)
    • Spartan Laser X1 (150 secs)
    • Rocket Launcher X1 (0 clips; 150 secs)
    • Needler X2 (1 clips; 60 secs)
    • Mauler X2 (0 clips; 60 secs)
    • Flamethrower X1 (150 secs)
    (Red denotes weapons specific to Symmetrical; Blue denotes weapons specific to Asymmetrical)

    Brokovich is a re-imagination/remake/spiritual successor/cousin of my older map, Gesuido. The entire premise of both were basically that the bases were underground. Think Sidewinder, but vertically.

    A little back story on why this map was created. When I first posted Gesuido, I received fairly good praise, mostly on the originality and the aesthetics in it's design. However, one of my friends, Haruki Jitsunin, noted that because of some of the geometrical problems and spawn placements, I should probably just remake the entire map. With that, I set off on my 4-month long journey to make this map. (That's right, four months long. This map took more than four months to build, mostly due to my ineptness and extreme procrastination.)

    Another reason that Brokovich was designed was due to my observation of how most base maps were being made. Typically, the flag was contained in the higher levels of a base, and while it was hard to attack, it was quite simple to jump out a conveniently placed window/man cannon and run back to your base.

    In Brokovich, the situation is flipped. The objective rooms are placed below ground, while the main fighting arena is on top. Getting into the base and capturing the flag/arming the bomb is an easy task. Getting out alive is the challenge.

    The entire map uses bilateral symmetry done both horizontally and vertically. With the exception of asymmetric gametypes, all weapons, spawn points, and scenery are placed in a symmetrical fashion.
    Like Furious D's Duality, I used the Symmetry option a lot. In the objectives room, the middle wall that usually separates the two bases in symmetrical games do not appear in asymmetric games. Maulers will appear instead of powerups in symmetrical games, rocket launcher in place of splazer, some extra equipment in asymmetrical, a flamethrower in asymmetric, snipers in symmetric, etc. Once you play, you'll understand to what extent the symmetry option was used.

    To a cursory glance, the amount of weapons seems to be staggering. Here's the truth. The majority of power weapons spawn only in asymmetric gametypes, and the reason for this is because the rockets, brute shots, and fuel rods from the top balances well with the flamethrower and campy-ness of the bottom. They all have respawn times ranging from 60 seconds to 150 seconds.

    It also doesn't appear to use a whole lot of interlocking. There is interlocking, just not a hugely noticeable amount. Most of the interlocking that is used is out of sight. The ground is not interlocked fully because I needed as much room as possible and also because I was running out of materials.

    [aname=pic0]'Calm' Screenshots[/aname]

    An overview of the top floor.

    A closer look at one side of the 'highway' above each base.

    The 'ramp' side of the bridge. Underneath the bridge on this side is where the trip mine spawns.

    A closer picture of the ramp side of the bridge.

    The 'base' side of the bridge. This has the Spartan Laser during Symmetric games, and the flag capture/bomb spawn point in Asymmetric games.

    The manhole in each base. It holds the Mauler and Active Camo/Overshields in Symmetric and Asymmetric games, respectively.

    The second floor of either one of the bases. This contains the majority of each team's spawn points.

    This picture is of what is directly behind the previous picture.

    The objectives room of each base. In Symmetrical games, the middle wall exists to separate the two bases (and objectives) from each other. In Asymmetrical games, the middle wall does not appear, and instead spawns a Flamethrower.

    A look at the extent of bridge interlocking. (Thanks to Dom says Oi for helping me with that)

    Rockets in Asymmetric gametypes only.

    Brute Shots in Asymmetric gametypes only.

    Fuel Rods in Asymmetric gametypes only.

    Action Shots: (Note: Some screenshots may or may not display slightly older incarnations of the map)

    Using a gravity lift to kill a base camper, by deploying at the bottom of the fusion coils.

    A fairly calm Defense base...

    Accidentally betrayed a teammate with rockets. Sorry. =P

    I was so close to scoring.

    The blue guy wins.

    Kaya snatching the Camo and entering the base in one fell swoop.

    Freaking Kaya.

    Special Thanks to:
    Sarge: For agreeing to look at this map, many many times. Although I suppose you kinda owe me, but whatever.
    Haruki: I owe the entire creation of this map to you. Without your constructive criticism on Gesuido, I would have never remade Gesuido.
    Furious: A lot of your work inspired my own, and I'm afraid this map is too sloppy. Still, I'm happy this is finally done.
    G043R: For motivating me to continue on with this map. Especially with the Conquest-able part.
    Orange: I think I showed you this map, once? lol
    Shock: Letting me screw up that race track you were working on. =D
    DQ: Getting me distracted from finishing this map. Thanks a lot! (Sarcasm, drip drip)
    Neverless: Motivation, development, testing. You really were a big help in this.
    Dom: Helping me with that Bridge layering, or at least showing me how to do it.
    All the Ghosts of Onyx Members: I swear that I'll get this to GoO right now, k?
    All the people who helped test and develop this map, either because I forgot their names or they weren't significant enough. =P

    #1 Nemihara, May 28, 2008
    Last edited: May 28, 2008
  2. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nah, i saw this earlier, the idea is great, the execution works perfectly for the idea and it's pretty good looking too.
    i liked the old sniper placement, it meant that you actually had to have either played the map before, or be extremely curious, but i guess the new one suits the noobs...

    PS. why was i not thanked? was i just one of those generic "testers" not important enough for a real mention? lolol just kidding, i don't mind.
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The reason that I moved the sniper was because the only times people grabbed it were when it was accidentally knocked off. Otherwise, the game was to hectic to waste time getting shot at for a sniper.
  4. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thas right. and i thought that they fell off often enough, but i understand your point.
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I agree with Iv0ry Snak3
    Looks really good, although pointless interlocking in a few areas looks needed. It does look a tad sloppy but it looks like it'll provide some amazing games. COnstruction looks great, I'm not a huge fan of the a/symmetrical weapon schemes, yeah its cool but I just dont really like it.
    But weapon placement does look really thought out. I could talk into my ass about how awesome your map is but I wont. Also if those walls in the first pic are as high as I think, then this map looks rather unbreakable. Was there any kind of inspiration behind its name? Also, I like the use of moveable objects on the top floor. I'll dl and have a look but basing the map on the thread I give it 8/10.
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Whoops, spelt the map wrong. It's Brockovich, not Brokovich.
    Anyways, Erin Brockovich won a legal case against the Pacific Gas Co., who were responsible for dumping chemical waste into the groundwater and polluting the water that residents drank.

    You're right. The map utilizes the elastic barrier near the top of Foundry to great effect. It does hinder some of the jumps, but it keeps even Theater mode from escaping.

    Like I said, there is no possible way to interlock anymore. I used up basically every single immovable item making this map, with the exception of a few wall corners and a couple fence boxes.
  7. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Oh okay the name has meaning, cool.
    Nice job blocking off, if theatre cant escape what chance do those bumholes escapists have?
    Another thing I'd like to say is that it seems that everything has been given consideration from crates to trucks to fusion coils.
    Also, did you use the money glitch or is this a regular map?
  8. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very good map, i couldnt escape and there was lots of cover
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Holy Crap, I thought your blog about this was really a joke. Glad to see you posted this; I was wanting to see an updated version of Gesuido. I'll check it out and get back to you.
  10. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks awesome ill have to clear a spot for it on my xbox
  11. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    Looks very well constructed only issue is RL i dnt like them in symettrical games but thats just a personal preference other than that looks very good and fun
  12. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    a map by nemi?!?!?! looks awsome, very well set up post, loads of pictures and good description. The map looks very well made, looks like i might be able to escape, i guess i'll just have to download.
  13. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy sweet!!! Awesome job...very well planned asym and sym settings...great posting great pics...i cant complain one bit...Ya got my DL on this one Nemi!!!...keep on forgin!!!
  14. Etgamer114

    Etgamer114 Ancient
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    looks good .
  15. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Although I appreciate your opinion, please don't needlessly spam these forums, Etgamer.

    I used a money glitch canvas for this; to be specific, Klink258's Power Canvas.
    Pretty much every item on the top floor had a different location in previous versions, with the exception of the 'base' part of the bridge and the two forklifts.

    Although it seems a bit cluttered at the top, because the majority of the cover is movable/destroyable, the cover doesn't last nearly as long as I wanted it to.

    Gesuido's diamond shape had to be removed to make this map, due to my lack of items. Gesuido was a smaller, 4 block wide map. Brockovich is roughly 5 blocks wide, and a slightly shorter. Brockovich is a rectangular map in geometrical shape.

    If you would read, the Rocket Launcher does not appear in symmetrical games. It appears only in asymmetric games. In my weapons chart, I have color coded which weapons appear in which type of games.

    Again, the map is completely unescapable, unless you delete items. In Forge, there is a slanted wall piece at the top of the bridge that serves a use to be able to climb over the walls and move items over that are cluttering, and deleting it later.
  16. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I agree with a couple of the comments above, I do think it'll serve us great gameplay, but it looks a little sloppy and I think you could of made the floor in one part just boxes instead of those bridges. Maybe put the bridges for walls of something?
  17. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I was thinking about that. However, not only did I not have enough boxes to pull that off, but the interior space of the base would dramatically drop. I needed all the space I could get; hence the bridge flooring.

    It also adds the unintentional 'highway' look back.
  18. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice use of symitry and i like the what is it three floors? 5/5
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Never saw the original but really like the look of this. Your use of objects like crates, trucks and forklifts is really aesthetically pleasing and it looks like they will work great for playability as well. I also like the flat level they're all placed on, the visuals made by mixing undersides of boxes and bridges creates a clean, interesting looking floor surface.

    I'll have to clear a space on my HD for this. I hate how I have to delete stuff, 100 items sounds like a lot but takes up a tiny amount of space in total, I pretty much only play Halo nowadays and feel cheated out of most of my HD space...
    Having said that, this definitely looks worth clearing a space for
  20. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    My two favorite parts of the map... One being using the DEATH RAY, a.k.a the sentinel beam. And two, I love how you put wire spools on the trucks to make it look like a tanker, awesome!

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