H5: Invasion Progressive Spawning

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by FuN Fortress, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. FuN Fortress

    FuN Fortress Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Some people might already know about this, but I figured I'd share something I've learned in the Forge for 5; How to effectively create sequenced spawn points that can be 'triggered' like anything else, opening up the opportunity to create Invasion experiences.

    In Halo 5's Forge, you can assign various scripts to all sorts of objects. Calling them to move, to spawn, despawn, and send messages to other objects. Spawn Points (and engine objects like it) are an exception, and cannot be scripted to do anything. You can't tell a spawn point to appear or disappear based on pushing a button, but you can accomplish something very close. With this setup, you can drop spawns into an area, or move them into one.

    To start, create a keypad/button and set up a script to 'On Interaction > Message Send' and choose a channel. Create a platform, and set up a script on the platform to 'On Message Receive (Channel) > Move Offset', and tell the platform move up 15 units (over five seconds, too fast and you risk losing spawns on the next step). Next, place your Respawn Points on this platform. Set their physics to 'Normal'. Next, create a Respawn Volume and place it over this platform, and change the settings to disable all spawn points within it. The volume boundaries should be such that the platform moves the spawns outside of the volume.

    Congratulations, you effectively have a spawning zone that, when activated, will 'activate' spawn points. You can have the platform under them disappear and drop them out of the zone, you can translate them out of the zone, too.

    To create 'phases', all you would need to do is set up a 'zone' for the new spawn points that, when activated, creates a reverse situation for the previous zone's (in that you move them into an anti-spawning zone).

    A note on translating platforms and Spawn Points: On Normal physics, objects will retain their momentum when the platform you're translating comes to a halt. Meaning if you have a platform translate fifty units in one second, the object on it will go flying right off. The longer the distance you're translating, the slower you generally want to translate the platform.

    I hope this opens up some opportunities for clever Invasion-esque experiences. A fun example to test for yourself is setting up a phase that activates upon ground pounding the interactive Drill object.

    Here's a video demonstration of the system at work.

    Remember, everybody, when you don't have the tools to directly do something, think outside of the box and get creative.
    #1 FuN Fortress, Dec 22, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
    DazeJet and Buddy Jumps like this.
  2. Ace VP

    Ace VP Legendary
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    Very cool... Ill have to play around with some of that stuff...
  3. Zern

    Zern Legendary

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    Has anyone developed this idea? Creating a map around this? I would like to know.

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