This thread is to document my progress on my first Halo 5 forge map. I am trying to re-create Venus: Shores of Time from Destiny. I feel like the game mechanics between Halo 5 and Destiny are similar. I will not be able to create the map with exact detail, however, the goal is to re-create a similar design. Here is a picture of my work from the first day. Here is a quick clip of my progress thus far. All the blocks will have a different color tone. I'm saving that for last with the spawns. As you can see there have been several changes since the first picture. All feedback is appreciated!
Had a run around on what you've built so far. Couldn't resist as Shores of Time is one of my favourite maps on any game and I was hoping somebody would build it in Halo 5. It feels very small compared to the original but I really like it. If you keep it at this scale it'll make a brilliant 1v1 or 2v2 map I reckon. Can't wait to see the final version and test it out, if you ever need testers don't hesitate to invite me
... Idk how I feel about this.... It's gonna feel awkward since I really don't put h5 and destiny mechanics as the same catagory as similar but I'll look at it when it's done
because of Bungie's overall influence there is indeed shared DNA between Halo and Destiny. This has happened in gaming before and I personally call it Sister Titles. Devil May Cry and Bayonetta are sister titles, for instance. Unlike games that merely play similarly, sister titles share exact gameplay mechanic systems and developers. In the grand scheme of shooters, one could tell Destiny was made by guys who did Halo. Same with Titanfall and its older sister CoD. Destiny maps have more nooks and crannies than Halo's more solid geometric maps, but consider Halo 3's Ghost Town - it looks exactly like a Destiny map. It is also Halo's most geometrically sophisticated map. And it still worked. I believe some of Destiny's maps would work just fine with Halo 5's unique mechanics, so long as one accounts for lack of double jump/glide. But even that could be band-aid with clamor spots.
Cave between B & C is a bit wide o n C's end. I feel like the jump from sniper slope to B should push traversal, a jump- thrust- scope- clamber. it was always an easier jump from b because of a height advantage it held. I didnt see the circle room so hopefully you can catch the long sightline froom sniper slope to A. keep it up, this was one of my better maps so if you want some tips on geomtry later I'lll def have thoughts. Any thoughts on power weapons for the map? @wowshy, depending on how he builds A side it'll flow nicely w up to 8 players. It scaled fairly well so far EDIT: After looking at it again the shotgun cave had a bit of an enclosed bend which is what i thought was missing. Regardless, that shouldnt impact the feel of that part of the map too much
In truth, I've been worried about the scaling since I started. At times I felt like it would be too large, other times too small. I'm thinking it will work for doubles and play at its prime for 3v3. I think it may be able to support 4v4. Probably not 1v1. The only way to truly know at this point is to test, so we'll just have to wait and see. I appreciate you taking time into checking it out, and we'll give you an invite when it's time to test! You may be right, I'll have to run tests to see if it'll work or not. I hope you're wrong haha. My biggest fear is the lack of elevation playing a part in the transfer from destiny to halo. Halo has always thrived with height advantages. If you're going by the video, it is out dated at this point. The cave is more enclosed then before in the copy I have now. Interesting idea for the B jump. I'll look into it. If you would like to view the map in its current state. I have it saved as YYY. The maps layout is completely finished. I just need to do clean ups and color tone. I'm thinking 1 rocket and 1 sniper, but i'll have to play around with it. As of right now my biggest complaint is A. The cave just doesn't feel right. and a bit clustered outside of it. Thanks for the ffedback everyone! Also, in going out of town and not sure when I'll be back. Could be a day could be a week. So testing will start when I get back. Until then, the progress is at a hiatus.
took some time to look at its current state. A cave needs to be extended and the back ramp is far too low to get the same feel. Also you forgot the pillarss ooutside have hidden jump ups that allowed unique snipe angels into b. A feels off because its supposed to be larger than b is and you haave it at roughly the same size. If you extend the area's outside of a as well you'll find that it wont feel nearly as cramped. Apart from a couple of very minor quips elsewhere it's fantastic. Just remember, destiny is designed for 6v6 so finding the sweet spot for scaling is always rough
Yes, a map from the biggest ripoff in history. I did not mind this map however. It might have just been aesthetic thing since that game is beautiful even though it is a ripoff. Not hating on people who choose to play but more on the games cost for an actual complete game and the fact the weapons were not really balanced out. Even if the newer part of the game fixes this the damage is already done since all the players who got lucky or played way to much who already had some of the better guns in game and sure there are examples of people who didn't have the best stuff. The game also is probably the easiest game to shoot in ever. I thought cod was easy to shoot in this game kind of haves it beat. It is basically like gambling when play this game. It is matter of getting lucky to get guns then getting lucky that no one on the other team has something to counter it. With very little gun skill besides that. The rage towards this game is real and honestly the fact that people are still playing it scares me because the amount of unfinished games that come out nowadays is stupid to the core. **** Executives.
I agree with every bit of that, but I still love this map. However, halo5 did the same thing. It released unfinished. Half the maps being forged maps. The cartographers gift, was just content that should have been released at launch. thank you for all the time you've put in to checking it out. Thanks for the tips on A cave. And I agree about the cave where heavy should be, the tunnel is too low
Oh i know and I hate 343 for it. At least they didn't put a thirty dollar price tag on it. I am just raging. This map was one of the few highlights of the game for myself.