Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. Goat
      it's probably already been said but you can shoot through the glass pieces.

      glad to see i'm not the only one running into the annoying group bug. getting in the habit of saving copies of my assets floating above the map in case i need to redo the groups.
      AnonomissX likes this.
      Gravity Lifts and Man Cannons glitch/bug

      I'm nicknaming this glitch/bug "Wormhole".

      In forge if you set the Man Cannon (UNSC), Gravity Lift (Invisible), and Gravity Lift (UNSC) launcher values to zero (or any value from 0 to 3 for vertical) it will cause the player to instantly die and respawn. At first I thought it was randomly teleporting me (thus the nickname) but that was not the case. Interestingly though it does not count as a suicide or death but will make you go to default weapons like you are respawning. It has the same effect in forge and custom games and it is always an instant spawn.

      It is nothing major since most people wouldn't set the lifts to have no lift but it adds an interesting mechanic.

      Videos: IRON WOLF/video/13375360 IRON WOLF/video/13375638
      AnonomissX likes this.
    3. RegrettedKarma6
      Loaded up a map I'd previously been working on and the groups I had disappeared according to forge. Said I only had 1 group on the map now and I could no longer select the grouped pieces or interact with them at all. They're just stuck there. Sucks because I really don't won't have to restart another time because of this issue if I have to edit these areas. Which no doubt I will have to eventually.
      Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
      AnonomissX and Spicy Forges like this.
    4. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      So not sure if this a bug or a feature request, but the glass forge pieces seen on Antifreeze are non existent on any menu, even during forge on the map itself.
      AnonomissX likes this.
    5. Swaino
      If i've setup an object to despawn after a certain action, say by pressing a terminal.

      If i've not setup a backup script to respawn the item then after depawning the item is gone forever (it seems)

      Even if I were to delete the script that despawns the item, save the map and reload into forge, the item is gone. Even if I spawn another one of those objects in, then in object properties click "select all of these" it just doesn't recognise it's there.
      AnonomissX likes this.
    6. NEKTryhard
      I was on Glacier, just finished the mass out of my map, I tried to switch the skybox to
      Nighttime and the filter to Weathered and it crashed my Xbox. Reloaded the map and confirmed the glitch with another crash. I'll post my exact Perfomance percentages in a bit. On the upside, Thank 343 for quick save which saved me from losing my map. No file corruption occured either as far as I can tell.
      AnonomissX and CommanderColson like this.
    7. Rex Journey
      Rex Journey
    8. A Haunted Army
      A Haunted Army
      bit of experimenting with timers and offset scripts, it seems the repeat time starts after the action has finnished, not before which is causing the delay between movement based on the repeat timer.
      AnonomissX and Halodude117 like this.
    9. Petque
      i ve got a respawn problem..i put about one hundred respawn point on my forge map, but when i die (in forge or custom) i always spawn in the same place.. I already delete the spawn point but when i do That i always spawn on an other point, but still the same one.. They all are in "order 0", neutral team .. I ve put some spawn zone but it doesn't work neither
      AnonomissX likes this.
    10. Ace VP
      Ace VP

      Something keep happening and when I come back to my map I can not select anything in the forge my builds to move or edit nothing.. its just locked to me...
      I know the controls is there some kind of lock button or something?
      Because its freaking annoying not being able to work on what u built...

      This is a list of bugs I found so far my self...
      - Rotation Scripting movement very jumpy and glitchy.
      - Being placed out side the maps...
      - Selecting and object it tends to fly away and moves...
      - Invisible Switch isn't visible even in monitor mode after placed and spartan mode and going back to monitor mode.
      - Interactive Objects is animating with scripts...
      - UNDO BUTTON...
      - Re-Undo Button...
      - Saving a map sometimes and coming back and not being able to select it or edit it and its just stuck there...

      This is really disturbing because it happened about 3 times now and I am getting to the point of not liking the new forge at all...
      Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
      AnonomissX and Halodude117 like this.
    11. shhh its shaff
      shhh its shaff
      I think someone above mentioned this, but it's pretty frustrating.. If you place a piece that's even 1' into the water on Alpine, it'll sound like you are running around in the water when on that piece.
    12. AceOfSpades
      The lighting engine for some individual objects is absolutely terrible, post lighting being baked at least. The two images below show an area of my map pre-baked lighting and post-baked lighting. The objects that are clearly lit differently are the same color (White!), and for some reason with these specific objects, and with many others, the option to turn off light bake is nonexistent.

      I'm sure it's because the lighting engine sees that an object is in shadow, and instead of just projecting shadows onto it, makes the base shading of the object darker than the one next to it which may not be in as much shadow.


      Even if you select them along with an object that has the option to turn the light bake off and do that for the entire group of objects, the problem is still not fixed completely.

      This is incredibly disappointing as it is completely throwing off the aesthetic of my map. Does anyone know how to fix this? Or is the lighting engine just completely screwed up?
      AnonomissX and SH1FTY like this.
    13. TheClubhouse
      I too am having horrible lighting issues. Especially with the half-cylinder pieces. (And half-ring). I have them set to white, and matte just like the surrounding pieces but they always go dark. Same with random larger blocks (128/64).

      If anyone has any lighting "tips", that would be great
      AnonomissX likes this.
    14. Fierce
      Hi. I've made like 20 octagons now. I'm going insane trying things to make the spawns work. Have you managed it yet?
      AnonomissX likes this.
    15. Ace VP
      Ace VP
      GROUPING: This causes some kinda but when you save leave a map and sometimes when you come back you cant select anything that you placed that was in the group...
      Not sure but welding might have issues too.. Not really sure yet...

      But not being able to move items that you placed is a very very sad and bad thing...

      TEMP QUICK FIX: I had a person in chat tell me how...
      What your going to want to do is spawn in 2 items> Then Group Them together> Deselect> Re-Select> And ungroup them....
      This should unlock your last group you had that you couldnt select...
    16. A Hungry Dino
      A Hungry Dino
    17. NOKYARD
      Here's a strange one, and kinda annoying.

      If you walk around your map in player mode to look around and accidentally pickup Plasma Grenades as you walk over them, then save your map, your missing Plasma Grenades will not save with the map.
      SloppyBottom and AnonomissX like this.
    18. Goat
      undo button isn't possible. the engine would have to remember every movement you made and that's very taxing. maybe they can find a way to undo last 1-3 actions but beyond that would get really laggy.
      AnonomissX likes this.
    19. Preacher001
      For what the Forge does an undo button would be a bit tricky as the system is not quite sure what the last the last action is. Ie, your movement, block movement, block delete ect. An undo delete would be an epic feature that is relatively easy to implement and I feel it is probably the most common thing we would want to undo.

      Rather than undo, which gets complicated for the system fast, I think the easiest thing to implement would be a rewind feature where the system stores your exact movement and button presses for the last 5 minutes and allows you to move around on the timeline. Think Forge meets, Halo Theater meets Forza Motorsports rewind feature.
      AnonomissX and CommanderColson like this.
    20. CommanderColson

      I'm preaching preacher
      Preacher001 likes this.

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