Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. NOKYARD
      Not sure how to exactly put this but the issue of maps crashing and being stuck in "Retrieving Data" needs to be resolved.
    2. xxBRYTExx
      Forge item (terrain pieces) forced outside boundary. Cannot be returned through boundary with move.
      • They can still be deleted.
      This also incidentally forced myself to violent fling across the map in multiple directions in and out of the kill zone

      Copy pieces of terrain on nearly opposite sides of alpine and duplicating them.
      Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
    3. Indie Anthias
      Indie Anthias
      I'm not sure how many people have mentioned this by now but I strongly need to -at least- second it. Please allow me the option to ascend and descend with bumpers, select with A and deselect with B. I don't like having to drop a thumbstick while maneuvering.
      Fierce and Suicufnoc like this.
    4. Grunt Padre
      Grunt Padre
      First post : )
      Cyl 64x64x24:
      I noticed today in matchmaking that there is an invisible wall above the Cylinder 64x64x24 half on Deadlock. It can't be shot through into or out of in custom/MM. In forge players can shoot from the inside of it. If you place more of them they all behave like this. Same for the Cylinder 64x64x24 full.
      The cylinder 64x64x24 half on deadlock

      Cyl 24x24x80:
      If you place the Cylinder 24x24x80 half/full there is no invisible wall but bullets (and grenades if you are in forge and not custom) can go through the object itself. Also I placed one on glacier and found out that if a lot of the object is going into the ground you can not select the object. Even placing another one and selecting all does not work.
      Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
    5. NOKYARD
      It appears that Timed Safe Zones have no effect.
    6. Preacher001
      Hey, we found lots of bugs! 343's Forge team is going to be soooo happy with us :D
      Suicufnoc likes this.
    7. FuN Fortress
      FuN Fortress
      I'm not positive how I triggered this, but changing one of my map's names in the main menu does not cause the change to be reflected within Forge itself. Saving the map as a new map within Forge gets me a 'saving failed' message.

      I've tried putting the file in my bookmarks and playing it through there and renaming it, I've tried taking it out and renaming it, and I really can't think of what else to do in order to fix this. It doesn't seem to affect me as I Forge, or prevent the map from loading in Customs and Forge, but the map name and description does not display while loading and instead displays 'retrieving data'. The message does not go away.

      Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
      InvokingTexan likes this.
    8. Chronmeister
      If pieces are merged flush where you are trying to clamber you are unable to grab on.
      FaTaIL 1, Xandrith and Kazerra like this.
    9. Sp1vo
      If you script an object to re-spawn after deletion (falling out of the map) it doesn't work. The object is just deleted entirely (object count goes down) when the object falls out the map. Try it with a soccer ball.
    10. Rex Journey
      Rex Journey
      Bug with lighting:
      At around 75% of the light map used some objects were shaded entirely black, they still cast shadows. The objects dulicated afterwards may have this happen however changing their location and rotation may cause the object to have this happen as well.

      I am not sure how many blocks this affects however here are the ones I encountered:
      • Everything in the primitives/rings
      • Stairs with a width of 16 or 20 max height of 32
      • Everything in structures/bridges/infantry
      • Primitive blocks of 32x64 or less
      I don't really know what the cause is however I was able to keep new blocks simply by changing thier location or rotation. This issue is also not one for one, so deleting one block may also resolve the lighting, whIle allowing you to place a lor more.

      Scripting/move offset speed:
      • When the speed is set to below 1.00 the object will not move the exact distance imputed.
      • When the speed is between 1.00-3.70, after generating lights, when the object moves it will appear jumpy.
      This is may not be the games issue, however when loading halo 5 via disc, while a youtube is snapped the xbone will crash between the Microsoft studios and 343 industries intro video.

      Is there a way to set a cool down on switches?
    11. NILLOC916
      There is a workaround. Have a friend join, place a spawn point, and then leave. It worked for me when it happened in one of my games.
      FuN Fortress likes this.
    12. Llama The Gamer
      Llama The Gamer
      What's with the scripted spawning? It works in forge but not in the actual custom game. I set a crap ton of teleporters to spawn 5 seconds from each other with different settings just to see which worked and most of them despawned at the start of the game (like they were designed to) and DID spawn later, but when I entered a custom game they were all there at the start. I made sure to check that the map updated going back and forth from forge to the custom game and I still got the same results. The longest timer was at 30.0. I may be doing something wrong and if I am then tell me. I'm trying to make a sword tournament map where players are teleported to the next area instead of the bridges spawning. If someone could confirm that this is either a bug or not that would be great.
      AnonomissX likes this.
    13. A Haunted Army
      A Haunted Army
      setting glass to black makes them 100% transparent, this is annoying because i was going to make solar panels for a space station theme.

      so i'm messing around with scripting to make a platform move, when i reset its position or use move offset to move it back by the smae amount it seems to over shoot constantly.
      Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
      AnonomissX likes this.
    14. ToRn1ne
      When merging some objects, like the Vehicle Bridges (Object Menu > Structures > Bridges > Vehicles), bumps in the collision appear where objects have been merged. What is supposed to be flat spaces become annoyingly bumpy. Altering the pieces vertical height with small nudges does not solve this issue.


      One solution would be to fix the collision detection on merged pieces, or add more a ton more pieces of varying lengths and widths to fit all situations. The "more pieces" solution would be cool. :p
      AnonomissX likes this.
    15. Robert Cosper
      Robert Cosper
      i still have no idea what the cause of this was however last night, i duplicated a building piece i grouped together and game freaked the f out. said all of the items were used only at 240 pieces, halo 5 shut down, my xbox vented, came back and it acted as though the pieces were permanently placed, unable to highlight, luckily a few minutes of tampering i got the set back in working order but just to let you know
      leegeorgeton and AnonomissX like this.
    16. Kazerra
      32-width Stair pieces are 1 Forge unit too short.
      AnonomissX likes this.
    17. Ace VP
      Ace VP
      This is not really a bug but it does make me upset... The Fire FX keeps blowing me up when im spawning it in... When you are an Monitor mode you shouldn't get hurt...
      Even if Kill Balls or lava stuff or anything that can be placed that kills shouldn't effect the monitor...
      AnonomissX likes this.
    18. Fox In His Box
      Fox In His Box
      The animation and textures when dying in water on Alpine are terrible. It just looks like you fall through an invisible barrier (the water's surface) and hit the floor. No floating or anything that we had in Halo 4 and even in Reach.
      AnonomissX likes this.
    19. CommanderColson
      Grenades bounce off of Invisible blockers, while bullets fly through. Should be adjusted so that grenades react to the Invisible blockers the same way bullets do, rather than how players do.
      AnonomissX likes this.
    20. FaTaIL 1
      FaTaIL 1
      Red spark effect can be seen through any objects. Meaning if i put it in the front of the can be seen from above or behind the base. All the way through walls and objects.
      --- Double Post Merged, Dec 20, 2015 ---
      Outros on one side doesnt seem to work also.
      AnonomissX and Halodude117 like this.

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