This is beautiful. But what happened to 5 and top snipe? And OS spawn? And snipe window? Curious Edit: misread reimagination as remake, lol.
Since I'm **** at actual map design, I've been working on scripting. The teleporting switches bug is absolutely infuriating though. On the bright side, the Mutli condition is a gift from the Halo gods.
Very cool, i'm glad they are so enthusiastic. Hopefully they can use that enthusiasm to realize how limited our current game modes and options are and fix that, then the new forge will easily be the best. Beyond just the obvious need for more gametypes, we severely need better options. There's no way to switch teams mid game, start new rounds when forging, no random weapon setting, no lives options, etc. Why 343 would so strictly limit what we can actually do with game modes when they put this much effort into an incredible new forge is beyond me.
An update on my Venus map. I'm about 75% done. I just need to make the 'A' cave and the cave that leads to C zone. It's coming together very nicely and I feel like halo 5's mechanics really match destiny's. The sight lines are matching up quite well. Standing on the rock at C zone and sniping at B zone match almost perfectly. Some adjustments have needed to be made of course so not everything is exact. It's difficult because I'm having to watch YouTube videos to remember every part of the map. I wish Destiny had custom games lol. I'll try to post screenshots later tonight or tomorrow. Great work on the maps posted, it's really exciting seeing what everyone else is creating. I have been getting a lot of useful tips from the forum's chat box as well. Much appreciated!
I assume spawn volumes are probably the same scale as they have been in the previous games though no?
so are there any videos from 343 explaining how to use the new tools and/or how spawning works? Or any write ups? If not, is anyone here planning on making any themselves?
I made spiral stairs, but they feel choppy. I' m considering putting invisible blockers to make them feel good Bouncerverse/screenshot/3753679 Kinda just riffing on a rough idea I have in my head. Still trying to get aesthetics down. Lights can be tricky.
teaser of Genesis, obviously based on the mission of the same name. it's still in progress so paths and sightlines are not final. this is just a sloppy scratch canvas 3 Legged Goat/video/13378839
Man, I'm falling behind. You guys are making these gorgeous maps and I haven't even got my block outs tidied up for testing. Haha.
Cry me a river, I don't even have my first map blocked out yet. You kids need to get a life so you can be slow like me. Here is what I do have blocked out so far but I hate to even post it after looking at what yall have in here I am still getting used to things & I am still a little overwhelmed with the amount of different pieces so I am trying to stay focused on just blocking out the layout first. I keep getting side tracked with detailed pieces & thinking about what I can do then I realize how much time has passed & nothing has gotten done. Meanwhile, I only get to forge late at night usually when my kids are asleep & I convince my wife to watch TV in our bedroom lol.
Ugh I just forged for the first time in H5 and was struggling, could definitely see the possibilities to create super good looking maps though. Only thing is it would require lots of time.. which I do not have. :'(