Post your day one thoughts from the new forge! Hows the new control system? Anything cool youve found?
How cruel is it to put this bloody update at the very beginning of the guy Xmas shopping season. Everyone gets gifts from the gas station, because Forge.
The controls make it so when ever I expect to fly up quickly, I instead grab and move the nearest object. This is going to take more that a few hours for me to adjust to. I don't know if a single button does the same thing it used to. Also I feel the need to claw to move well. And I've never clawed in my life. Edit: will continue to edit with feedback. Will be mostly control related initially. Pressing X resets the spawn object menu. I can not see why this would be a feature. I find it very frustrating as I often hit the wrong button. I'd like an option for classic bumper controls: RB = up. LB = down. A = select. B = deselect. I understand the reason for the change (painting selections) but for my personal method and style, I would rather have intuitive movement where I don't have to relive my thumb from the stick and traditional A selection. I can see instances where this new control scheme would be helpful and for those rare times I'll simply switch layouts. edit RAMPS: all the ramps are the same grade or am I crazy? No steep or shallow ramps.
Steep learning curve. Hell I'm still trying to grasp unit sizes and how not to delete the object that I put behind me while fussing with another piece. What was the measurements of the old 2 by 4 blocks in footage?
Woot!!! Only one hour to place the block I wanted, in the location I wanted, on the angle I wanted, with the side showing I wanted. As an added bonus I haven't accidentally deleted it yet! The only problem is, I'm considering using a bigger block on this iteration of my map. Now to place the larger block in the same location as the other block and just delete the old block by holding down the left dpad and . . . Damnit!!!!
Just diving into into it. initial thoughts running through my head: overwhelming, man the controls are played out crappy, endless possibilities, tacos.
As Doju requested, I'll try buddhacrane's format to briefly express my thoughts on Forge after ~4 hours of hands on time. The Good Controls are great once you start getting used to them HUD has a wealth of information easily on-hand Objects and terrain mesh nicely, mostly Level of customization with certain aspects blew my mind, like fog effects The Bad While the objects are diverse it feels like more often than it should be there are pieces missing that I would use frequently. For example, none of the pieces come in a length/width of 40', forcing me to make combinations like a 32' wall and a 8' wall taking up more of the object limit. The lack of an "Undo" feature makes learning the new control layout all the more rigorous The Forge-able zone on the Alpine is canvas smaller than I believed, especially since the terrain takes up a good portion of the vertical canvas space. I didn't explore the other two canvases so those spaces could be larger allowing for truly large spaces for building. That or it just feels small to me because if I step out of the bounds I get a warning or blow up instantly. I'm disappointed I couldn't change the color of the fire effect since everything else is so visually customizable Cycling through the color options is a little tedious with so many options, having a color wheel or grid as an optional pop-out menu would be neat The Different The change in units for objects was at first confusing, but I see the benefit as naming objects things like 1/4' and 1/2' Pro-Tips I'm used to sketching out my maps with the old unit scale of 1, 2, 3, etc used in prior Halo Forges. What helped me to get used to the new units was realizing that 8' in H5 is equal to 1' in previous Halos. I know this may seem pretty obvious, especially considering how the Forge objects scale in size, but this bit of info could save some newcomers to Halo 5 Forge a little bit of head-scratching. Groups have a limit of 64 objects, so if you have a large structure you like to save as a group try and divide the structure into separate groups that make sense. This makes duplicating and moving the structure around a lot easier. Grouped items can have their colors changed all at the same time, so leave color matching for later Grouped items can have their parent object changed and is cycled through in order of which you grouped the item. Make sure to select a parent object that makes sense so that if you decide to weld the objects the center of rotation and turn is logical. Quick Save is awesome, do it all time (it is the "Back" button or the button with two small windows on it)
I was thinking the whole time, "how is there not a color grid?" The other thing desperately needed is object previews. With 1700+ objects and growing, not having object previews shows a lack of foresight. I'm honestly not sure how it never came up. Object previews should be another one of their selectable options. Sure it takes a little longer to sift through objects as they spawn and despawn but it is a price many of us would be willing to pay.
--- Double Post Merged, Dec 17, 2015 --- Last night instead of forging the map I wanted to I found myself creating palettes in the sky to solve this little issue for myself[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
@bkbillsfan I think what you meant to post was: Code: [QUOTE="Preacher001, post: 1616866, member: 50774"] The other thing desperately needed is object previews. With 1700+ objects and growing, not having object previews shows a lack of foresight. [/QUOTE] Last night instead of forging the map I wanted to I found myself creating palettes in the sky to solve this little issue for myself The thing is it only saves a little time since you still have to view each object, check what it is called and then search it out in the objects list. It does however get you a little more familiar with the objects as you lay them out. I wouldn't mind seeing a photo with all the objects like they did in Forgeworld, but it would have to be made of a number of stitched photo's sewn into one monstrous image.
Movement scripting via repeating scripts on an object seems really buggy. I thought it would be really interesting to make a map with what are basically two cable car bases moving back and forth along opposite sides of a docking platform. The way to do that would be to set multiple scripts on the cable cars - set to move by a given offset in a set time, and repeat after a delay. After setting 6 such scripts (3 to move a car forward along the dock, 3 to move it backward along the dock to its starting position), I noticed that the motion only worked as anticipated when I was in the immediate vicinity of the car. When I ran to the other side of the map, the scripts got massively out of sync and the cable car left the platform entirely. It's kind of a shame that you can only move an object up to 100 units in a direction via a script, because stacking multiple scripts on top of each other and hoping the repeat timers sync up properly is kind of a hacky way to do large-scale motion. I think I'm going to stay away from any scripts not mediated by a switch-press for a while, until the limitations of automatic timer/repeat scripts are more well-known.