H5 HWC Maps, Gametypes, and Settings

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SloppyBottom, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    Discuss settings for Halo 5's Halo World Championship.

    Maps snd Gametypes:

    Breakout (score to win: 5 rounds)
    • Altitude
    • Gambol
    • Trench
    • Trident
    Slayer (score to win: 50)
    • Coliseum
    • The Rig
    • Plaza
    • Eden
    • Empire
    • Regret
    • Truth
    CTF (score to win: 3)
    • Coliseum
    • Truth
    • Fathom
    • Empire
    Strongholds (score to win: 100)
    • The Rig
    • Coliseum
    • Eden
    • Empire
    • Plaza

    General Settings (not breakout):
    • Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle
    • Secondary Weapon: Magnum
    • Radar: On
    • Shield %: Normal
    • Round Length: 12 minutes
    • Over time rules: 3 minutes added to the clock. Game ends after the win condition is achieved or time runs out.

    HWC rules: https://content.halocdn.com/media/D...20151118-1000c443f48346b789f585e9dd28c62e.pdf
  2. RegrettedKarma6

    RegrettedKarma6 Recruit
    Senior Member

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    Not sure why world championship would use radar, especially one that's so damn deceptive with its proximity. My stance on the maps is remove Rig, Eden, and Fathom altogether. The removal of two asymms could hurt but I just don't like the way they play at all, I'm still mixed on Plaza too. That's a subjective opinion of course though.

    I would have a more streamlined list that would consist of -

    Breakout (score to win: 5 rounds)
    • Altitude
    • Gambol
    • Trench
    Slayer (score to win: 50)
    • Coliseum
    • Plaza
    • Empire
    • Regret
    • Truth
    CTF (score to win: 3)
    • Coliseum
    • Truth
    • Empire
    Strongholds (score to win: 100)
    • Regret
    • Plaza
  3. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    Breakout: I'm for the removal of breakout all together. Apart from the obvious problems of the gametype itself, I think it's extremely boring to watch and it completely contradicts 343's philosophy of matching settings across the board.

    Radar: I think that the unbalanced sandbox honestly provides more of a problem than radar as far as competition and spectator experience. Removing radar is still obviously optimal.

    Player traits/abilities: obviously the game can be made more competitive with the removal of sprint along with some of the other abilities, but I've accepted that this is Halo 5 and nothing is likely to be removed. However, nerfing a lot of this stuff would make for a better game. That's all I'll say about that.

    Slayer: Slayer is kinda boring in this game. As a spectator I'd like to see more of a focus on flag and strongholds. With the addition of gametypes in the future (hopefully) I wouldn't mind the removal of slayer completely.

    Maps: A lot of these maps could be made much better with different weapon and objective placement.

    For example Coliseum Strongholds is obviously terrible, but there is no reason for the strongholds to be placed symmetrically or right next to eachother. Without changes it's baffling how this made it into the competitive settings.

    I agree Eden and The Rig aren't optimal but I'd add more powerups and weapons before declaring the maps unfit for competitive play. Also, these are both good strongholds maps especially with tweaks.
  4. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    If Breakout has to be in HWC, I prefer this new version so much more. Flag grabs seem much more viable. If it's going to be played on assymetrical maps, spawns need to switch every round. Other than that, I just find it much more enjoyable to play.
    RegrettedKarma6 likes this.
  5. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Why are we posting this at a forge forum where the members have a predisposed bias towards the removal of as many "unsatisfactory" dev maps in the favour of upping the chances of forge maps getting implemented? This is such a bad idea. It's gonna be lovely when forge drops and suddenly everyone and their mother are scrambling to get their maps picked up for HCS consideration.

    As far as I'm concerned, the dev maps, all of them, are fine. I don't particularly care for how some of them play (Fathom and Coliseum TS), but they are unique in their own right and not exactly bad. Frustrating, yes, but definitely not bad.

    Only changes I'd recommend are the dropping of Breakout, removal of Radar, and decreasing the number of Team Slayer gametypes. Halo plays better with objective gametypes than Slayer, and we should embrace it. The problem with Slayer is that it rewards stale gameplay and tends to gravitate towards a stagnant meta where defensive strategies become the dominant one, case in post holding BR side on Rig Slayer. Objective rectifies this (to an extent) by splitting the focus between not only map and player control like slayer, but also objective control, resulting in a more aggressively oriented meta.

    Of course I don't expect anyone here to share my opinion, as this is a forge forum after all. Bring the hate boys.
    Chronmeister and SloppyBottom like this.
  6. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    I think everyone will read this forum understanding that bias. Most certainly now since you so plainly said it. Also what you say sarcastically about everyone scrambling to get maps in, I actually seriously agree with. I'm super excited for people to make maps for HWC. I think everyone should be encouraged to make maps for whatever settings they like and I'll be super excited if hubbers achieve that.

    Along with that I agree with everything else after that. So don't feel so alone.
    theSpinCycle and a Chunk like this.
  7. RegrettedKarma6

    RegrettedKarma6 Recruit
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    I definitely agree with all three of these choices. Slayer more often than not becomes these boring team shooting dominated games where movement doesn't really feel like an incentive at all. About the comment on posting this on a forge forum though, I don't see why bias always has to be a bad thing. Yeah it's a forge forum, but that's why we're here, pretty much everyone shares an inherent bias towards forge. It's not exactly a view that's representative of the mainstream view anyway. Personally I'd rather play on a solid forge map than a frustrating dev map any day of the week, but that might just be me.
    #7 RegrettedKarma6, Dec 14, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
    SecretSchnitzel and SloppyBottom like this.
  8. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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