Operation Forge Drop: Prediction Contest

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Dec 3, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 3, 2015 at 11:27 AM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Today, I have something awesome for you. ForgeHub is giving away downloadable REQ pack codes to the first 5 people that correctly predict when forge will drop! Simply post the date you think forge will most likely be released below and we will include your name to the prediction calendar. If you see 5 names reserved on a single date then you should probably pick a different one to be eligible to win. Winners will be announced when the release date for forge is announced. This is not a drill...GO!

    Dec 4 - AnderBRO2
    Dec 5
    Dec 6 - Jace Taran
    Dec 7 - Box_Knows-
    Dec 8 - TheClubhouse, Belly391
    Dec 9 - ducain23, AssaultCommand, Suicufnoc, leegeorgeton
    Dec 10 - Eodmg
    Dec 11 - Xandrith, Given To Fly, HateChildNo6, xKAMIKAZEx
    Dec 12 - SH1FTY, CQB Spartan
    Dec 13 - boomerdude
    Dec 14 - Sam, Gnappy, End My Misery, Zombievillan
    Dec 15 - GodlyPerfection, STL, Kazerra, CommanderColson, Erk

    Dec 16 - bkbillsfan, N1TRO, SitriStahl, MartianMallCop, moo43
    Dec 17 - A Haunted Army, Res, NILLOC916, Desert Fox 23, MIKE G LIVE
    Dec 18 - MultiLockOn, Toast, Squally DaBeanz, darkprince909, NickCastille
    Dec 19 - AgentPaperCraft, RegrettedKarma6, SmartAlec13
    Dec 20 - Orzium, Dialup Jimmy
    Dec 21 - SteelGreen, Auburn, X2Sora
    Dec 22 - Thomas Bradford, Jesus in Malibu, ou7c45t, Mr Bouncerverse, Rifte
    Dec 23 - Skisma, Temporal Enigma
    Dec 24 - ollieorch
    Dec 25 - SaltyKoala, cluckinho
    Dec 26 - SloppyBottom

    Dec 27 -
    Dec 28 -
    Dec 29 -
    Dec 30 -
    Dec 31 - Chef Linguini, purely fat
    #1 WAR, Dec 3, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2015
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Dec 3, 2015.

    1. SmartAlec13
      I will take the 19th I guess. They declared its the week of the 15th, and that's the last spot open
    2. WAR
      Now that we've gotten some hints, I'm going to close up this contest to make things fair for all that participated early. No more submissions will be taken from this point on.
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
    3. mr diehard 007
      mr diehard 007
      11 December 2015 can't wait!!
    4. mr diehard 007
    5. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      I know the voting is over & my original guess was wrong, but I really hope they reveal the date on today's livestream, and I hope it's the 12th :D

      Slightly wishful thinking, I suppose. I do really hope it's available by the 16th, though. I work a graveyard shift, and I have the 17th and 18th off for Star Wars Episode VII. If it's available on the 16th, I can start Forging as soon as I get off work Wednesday morning, and then proceed to Forge all day before going to bed Wednesday night. I could easily Forge for 12+ hours if that happens. Then I would have all day Thursday & Friday to Forge as well (other than the time spent Thursday evening at the theater watching Star Wars). And of course Saturday. Forge Weekend! :D
    6. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      Hmm.... no release date yet :/ Was really hoping they'd give the final date during the Livestream. I hope it's early in the week.
    7. cobalout!
      I will take the "Dec 13"
    8. RegrettedKarma6
      Question, if it drops on the 18th for the U.S, does that still count for me since technically it would be the 19th for me?
    9. WAR
      I feel like Santa crossing off names on this list...
      Mynx likes this.
    10. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      If you're Santa, then you need to bring us Forge right now as an early Christmas gift :p

      Sigh...if only any of us really had any control over it...
      Last edited: Dec 12, 2015
      WAR likes this.
    11. InvokingTexan
      Uh, excuse me, Warholic? I can't seem to find the option to choose "a different year" for this contest. I too want to throw in my lot at when Halo 5's Forge mode will be released. Be sure to put my date down on the 49th of November, 2018, please.
      saitama likes this.
    12. Superior Forger
      Superior Forger
      I have a feeling that Halo 5 forge will be coming out on December 19th just so everybody will get an equal opportunity to play it. It really sucks to have a big update and have to go to school and wait to play something that's gonna rock your world!
    13. Ajax746
      Probabaly a bit late, but forge will 100% be release tomorrow on the 16th
    14. cluckinho
      How do you know
    15. Ray Benefield
      Ray Benefield
      Sounds like the new playlist showed up today in the API, and apparently tradition shows that new things that come out in the API mean the update comes out the day after. So it is probably tomorrow.
      SloppyBottom likes this.
    16. Zombievillan

      This is unbelievable! Release the damn update already, sheesh.
      SloppyBottom likes this.
    17. SloppyBottom
      I know I picked a sarcastic date for release, but the ache is so bad. Wanted it today. If it's tommorow I hope it's early so I get some play time.

      ...the agony.
    18. Ajax746
      I read it over like 4 days ago, but I cant seem to find it again. Then they announced the whole "this week" thing after I found it. I cant find it again because all the articles now say this week. It lines up perfectly with their other updates they have had, and is right in the center of the week too. I just hope they release it at 12am tonight
    19. SloppyBottom
      @Duros was in shout-box and confirmed it will not be releasing in the middle of the night pacific time because 343 doesn't hate themselves. #intel
    20. Ray Benefield

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