Good point. Hopefully they don't keep pushing out 343 forge maps, though. Look forward to those BTB maps, and hopefully they didn't ruin Antifreeze.
I'm all for spotlighting Forge maps and adding them to the list, and I don't even mind 343 Creating a few of their own Forge maps and adding them to the pool, but what really irritates me is the thought that they will be heavily relying on the forge instead of creating non forged maps. I would however love the idea of thinking of these maps in the sense of being tester maps. Then whichever Forge maps, community or 343, that become most popular, get a full professionally arted (non forge) remake and released as an official map. This way 343 can focus on building maps that the community love to play and not waste resources on maps that see little attention. Also if we allow 343 the same freedom to reiterate upon their designs as the rest of the forging community, we may end up with some stellar maps from them. The Unreal Tournament fans are really getting into the whole community built game concept that is going on with the new UT4 game. That interaction really helps to create a dedicated fan base. I'm in awe of how much is being done and the game is free.
Can I ask why the ice rocks on recurve are different colours? Is it the lighting messing with their colour or are they just different types of rocks with different textures?
Should also point out, IIRC, that Frankie said on NeoGAF that the forge maps don't count to the DLC mapcount. I'm recycling what I read at BE though, so I could easily be mistaken. I do hope it's true though.
This link is probably posted elsewhere but anyway here's a preview
It's probably just a small detail, but it made me really happy to see that whenever you look at an object, you can see the placement & rotation values without having to enter the coordinate menu. Very nice for making sure objects line up properly without the risk of accidentally bumping something, especially if said object was hand-nudged into place. In past Forges, entering the menu would undo any hand-nudging, and if you had forgotten to turn off rotation snaps, you would accidentally undo your rotations.
New forge looks so sexy. Unfortunately, I've been so caught up in all the hype, that I've completely ignored the total object count limitation... They said in the video we can only place around 1,200 objects or so, yes? What's up with that? Do we think that's an ample enough budget to make maps that don't just play well, but look good too? Thoughts and concerns people?
Number of objects in forge: 1700 (including spawn points, objectives, weapons, etc) Hard Object Limit: 1024 objects (including spawn points, objectives, weapons, etc) I thought we needed a higher object limit as well. Unfortunately the maps tend to lower performance once you go above max levels depending on the objects you use. Guillotine and Recurve are both close to max budget and they perform well, its all a matter of balance and I love having that flexibility. It will take time and dedication to fully maximize the potential of what this system can truly offer for your map. Like always, this is a learning process and we will get adjusted to the new performace caps over time. "Halo 5 forge comes out late December" - Gamespot Forge Video
1700 available objects, up to 1024 of which can be placed. For comparison, didn't H2A have a 650 limit?
You guys are getting confused between the hard object limit and the number of objects available. Let me clear this up again: Hard Object Limit (total objects you can physically place on a map): 1024 Number of Objects (available objects in the forge menu): 1700 Both Halo Reach and Halo 4 had a 'hard object limit' of 651. Also to note, the number of objects available to use will grow over time with each content update applied to forge.
So there's not as much of a difference between 5's hard limit & past iterations as I thought...still, it *is* double, and the 1700 palette sounds awesome. Plus, we have *far* more flexibility when it comes to utilizing the hard limit than past iterations due to the loss of category limits. I always hated it in Reach how I could have $9,000 budget left, and be nowhere close to hitting the hard limit, yet still be unable to place more building blocks.
Who'd getting confused? Lol But our hard object limit is 37% higher than it's ever been. Even in H2A, if you didn't get crazy intricate, you could make some pretty large maps. Now we have 37% more blocks that can be placed before reaching the limit. I'm super excited.
H2A had a hard limit in that ballpark, but it had a soft limit of around 400 to 500 pieces before it'd cause the map to kick players out of the game and crap.... Don't know if the soft limit got fixed eventually, because I dropped out of the forge scene pretty early into the game, as MCC really wasn't enjoyably for me outside of playing CE.