Halo Livestream Questions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Dec 8, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 8, 2015 at 8:31 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    343 is broadcasting another Halo livestream this Friday on Twitch. The forge team should be attending to talk about the large December update which includes forge mode, new warzone and arena maps, new legendary gear and more!

    Friday, Dec 11
    6pm EST, 3pm PT


    343 is going to be talking about the December update: "Cartographer's Gift" and will be giving viewers a preview of some of the gameplay and gear they can expect to see in this update.

    It was noted in the last community update that they will be answering questions about forge from the community. In an effort to collect and deliver some of the most pertinent questions we could offer, lets take this time to come up with some good ones together!

    #1 WAR, Dec 8, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Dec 8, 2015.

    1. Squally DaBeanz
      Squally DaBeanz
      Regarding moving objects through scripting, will objects be able to move on more than one axis at a time? Also, can we script objects or welded groups of objects to orbit around a set point in space, keeping their orientation relative to the point?
      Starship Forge likes this.
    2. WAR
      Moving pieces on a circular axis would require combining both velocity and rotational change in a single direction. You could make an object essentially loop by doing both.
      Starship Forge and MultiLockOn like this.
    3. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      will we have a surplus of scenery pieces?
      barrels, fences, roadblocks, weapon racks, posters, aesthetic vehicles (destroyed warthog/pelican)

      How about natural?
      bushes, sticks, water, moss, vines, grass, flowers,
      Starship Forge and WAR like this.
    4. iParanormal
      Ask them this at least thirteen dozen times
      --- Double Post Merged, Dec 9, 2015 ---
      For real though, My only question:

      Will we see any update to forge in the future that may add additional objects or effects? Or other forge worlds?
      (doubt they'll answer but its worth a shot)
    5. Squally DaBeanz
      Squally DaBeanz
      Right, but I imagine its still a really simple system they have in place, essentially connecting two points in space and having the reference point of the object travel along that line. I just wanna know if they have circles coded into that as well.
    6. SimmonsZore
      I only have Five questions. Besides, where the BLAM is infection, I would ask:
      • Can we Forge Req items?
      • How big of a budget/Item count are we going to be working with?
      • Are there any new and exotic forge blocks added?
      • Does each forge environment have their own, unique textures? (iced metal, metal , Rock, ice?)
      • Will there be lag going between forge mode to player mode or loading a map in general?
    7. Xandrith
      1 question.

      When will forge release?
      Orzium likes this.
    8. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      -Will players look direction be preserved through teleporters? In the past, if players were looking upwards, downwards, left, right, etc, they would be defaulted to looking straight ahead when teleporting. While that's probably fine as a default, it would be nice to have the option to *not* do that. Related to that, will we have the option to disable the "glowy part" and still have the teleporter function, or perhaps have an invisible teleporter "zone"? I could imagine that having some uses in some specialized maps or gametypes.
    9. Orzium
    10. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      343 didn't say anything new about Forge today. They revealed the REQS that will be coming along with the update, but that's the only news. The only place they mentioned Forge in that article was a reminder of this Fridays live stream, where they will be *talking* about Forge, but we already knew that.
    11. SloppyBottom
      Can powerups be placed on weapon pads?
      a Chunk likes this.
    12. Chronmeister
      Is someone gonna record this? I'm probably gonna miss everything because I'll be at work for the first half hour which I'm sure will be all of it.
      A Haunted Army likes this.
    13. A Haunted Army
      A Haunted Army
      if i'm up and my connection doesn't crap out i'll try to remember to. other people should as well if they can.
      a Chunk and Chronmeister like this.
    14. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      -Are there any null/void objects that allow us to carve up or tunnel through other forge objects and/or terrain? In past iterations, if for example you wanted to use one part of a particular Forge object, you were stuck using the whole thing. Structures with both an interior & exterior were especially tricky in past iterations (especially if there was a lot of intricate detail), because a good exterior often left you with a messy interior (random bits of Forge objects poking through), where it would have been nice to be able to carve out a clean interior. So, if it's not already in Forge, please consider it for a future update (or for Halo 6). Such a void or "tunneling object" could also be used to have a doorway going through a single large block (like a wall), rather than having to arrange multiple blocks to achieve the desired opening.
      Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
    15. Kamera
      I would like to expand upon this question and ask "What kind of foliage can we expect for this upcoming Forge?" I'm sure there are folks on here wanting to recreate Ghost Town from Halo 3 or create a jungle map.
    16. Jesus in Malibu
      Jesus in Malibu
      • Will players be able to place Legendary REQ items in forge (such as the Prophet's Bane as seen on Truth in the beta)?
      • Will forge have custom powerups as seen in Halo 3 and Halo: Reach forge?
    17. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      -Will some of the building blocks have textures? I do like the subdued textures of what we've seen (easier to build something that doesn't look like an obvious collection of Forge blocks), but it would be nice to have some textured options as well (creative blending of textured blocks with simple primitives could turn out some nice results). Will we ever get texture skins, especially if they can optionally be applied to primitives?
    18. SmartAlec13
      So I have been posting a list of some new/interesting things learned so far.

      • 3:07 - Daily Win REQ Packs, for Warzone and Arena
      • 3:09 - Breakout Arena (really should be renamed in my opinion)
      • 3:13 - Spartan Company REQ stuff (mystery future stuff)
      • 3:26 - REQ talk, including "Classic BR", which is the old BR scope
      • 3:32 - FORGE FINALLY. Nothing new so far. Confirmed though, Breakout Canvas has no day of time. Focusing so far on the basic stuff of Forge, nothing really new so far.
      • 3:39 - Showing off color settings like coloring pieces, changing "map reference colors" and showing a block in each color! Good range of colors
      • 3:44 - The terrain pieces can be placed FROM ANY MAP. So you can place the projected Alpine-terrain onto Glacier!
      They are moving on from Forge to other stuff...Shadow of Intent...blabla (not interested personally)

      Back into the action

      • 4:21 - SPNKr details. Fires faster than Halo 5 rocket. Next is extended mag (4 rockets), locks onto ground vehicles. Third one does some sort of forerunner-splinter-grenade-mine effect
      • 4:25 - Battle of Noctus Warzone gameplay. First impression: walking out of the base, the map looks huge. ANNNNND my stream is down (darn this connection). If anyone could be friendly and add any new details, maybe record/vod the Noctus and Overgrowth gameplay
      • 4:55 -New control stuff. deadzones, sensitivity, etc.
      • 5:02 - Overgrowth, Plaza remix showing. Looks pretty. Weapons seen: Plasma Caster, Camo, Shotgun, . The layout looks a bit more simple, with more open areas and hallways
      Last edited: Dec 11, 2015
      WAR likes this.
    19. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      I think the highlight for me of the Forge segment was the light gobos. Those were awesome.
    20. Preacher001
      I gotta admit it, the new Forge, I'm pretty impressed. If this is just some of what we get to play with, I'm going to be a happy camper, for like a whole week. Then I'll start bitching about what I wish it had, but that first week . . . will be glorious.

      We'll worry about week two when the time comes.
      iParanormal likes this.

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