Greetings, once again, everyone! In the past, YouTube channels and personalities have hosted competitions that produced a great outpour of community engagement in many areas, such as: aesthetic pieces to infection and core competitive maps. With that said, I was curious to ask the community, "what should be the first community contest in Halo 5?" Now, I've provided several options to select from; which covers key key aspects of current, and previous iterations that bolstered Halo's community. I will keep this thread open for 14 days. After which, I will contact with the website's coordinator, and present him, or her, with an unanimous verdict on the course of future community events. (And of course, the "Board" will establish the parameters and prize pool when the time comes.) So, boys and girls, what do you think? Whether it's yea or nay, be sure to post your thoughts!
This is an odd request that I won't know if it's even valid until after the release of the new Forge, but I wouldn't mind a Terraformer map contest. The purpose of which would be to see who could build the most unique landscape for Forgers to build maps on. A kind of Forge map within a Forge map if you will. I would even say a hint of ruins could be sparsely integrated into the map as long as it's not intrusive. The contest might also have to impose an object limit to insure the usability of these maps by the forging community. I personally suck at landscaping (and forging ) so I typically default to blocks, but a really nice landscape can offer inspiration to a forger.