Forge confirmed for December

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Doju, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  2. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    Thank god Microsoft has kept us in the loop. ;)
  3. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    Glad we are getting another arena map this year I guess...? (Yay, remix!)

    What this update really needs is the return of all or most classic Gametypes. At least ball and KotH. Also all the options in those modes as well as the ones missing from slayer and flag.

    I'm fine with #sustain if it means we get a complete halo game before 2016 and additional content through the next year. But if it takes six months just to match the content level of h4 (not to mention 3 or reach) I'm going to be disappointed.

    I'm going to be disappointed.
  4. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The gametype thing is a thought out design decision to keep the game streamlined. From 343's perspective, its rock bottom in terms of sustain.
  5. Va1kyrie

    Va1kyrie Legendary

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    I think its more to do with trying to keep people on staff. By parceling out stuff like this, they have an excuse to keep coder's and map designers around for longer.
  6. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    I agree it's probably by design, but I don't think it's well thought out. Same goes for the lack of social.

    I was never hardcore into ranks. Before H5 I would have definitely considered myself a social halo player. I liked multi-team, BTB, and social objective playlists in previous titles. I have always played to win, and I like that highly competitive settings exist, but they aren't what I always want to play (not that h5 even offers the most competitive settings).

    So when I'm tired of trying hard there are two places I would have gone in 3 and reach: social playlists and wacky custom games. Neither of these places exist for this iteration, and to be frank it's probably where I would spend most of my time. I hate Warzone. It is not halo to me, even though I don't mind radar or magnum starts as much as other hardcore halo fans, I still want to play Halo when I play halo. Warzone does not fill any void for me.

    More gametypes and options improve the game for players across the spectrum for quality and replayability. So many decisions that are obvious and intended to me just baffle me beyond belief. Even hardcore competitive players want to goof around in social sometimes too.

    H4 catered only to social players, but lacked gametypes, options, and initial playlist variety, so still fell short even for social players.

    H5 caters only to competitive players, but has silly abilities, radar, and lacks a skillful utility weapon, so it also still falls short even on that end of the spectrum.

    343 can't even commit to a specific community properly, let alone address the majority of the halo fanbase.

    How is it so hard to repeat the proven model of H3. It wasn't perfect, but it had ranks, and custom options, and playlists. Refine the sandbox. Give us a good utility weapon. Give us new game modes. Improve forge. Add Warzone if you want, but have it replace invasion maybe, but not firefight, multi-team, team objective, social slayer, infection, grifball, and casual customs.

    This turned into a rant. If I don't stop now I never will.

    TL;DR: 343 shoehorns it's idea of certain factions of the halo community into its vision for a new ip, and when it doesn't work they still make their new ip but focus poorly on a different faction, rather than making a halo sequel and improving the game across the board for everyone addressing different interests and playstlyles.
    Va1kyrie likes this.
  7. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    Mid December, according to this interview with Bonnie Ross:

    a Chunk likes this.
  8. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Yup. Fingers crossed for a file share to come with it.
  9. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    srs? I've been playing a ton of witcher 3 since i got an xbone so I'm not super in the loop. That's dissapointing to hear though, why give people an awesome editor if you're just gonna limit what they can use it for. like pls
  10. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    *crawls out of hiding*

    Uh, what? You high bro?
  11. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
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    It seems to be an attempt to not permanently lose players after they check out other games, by giving them a reason to come back and try H5 again. Probably a result of the H4 losing almost all of it's population after COD came out, and never recovering.

    I really hate the fact that they're purposely holding back content that's been a big part of previous Halo games, AND is already done. I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it if the game had launched with most of the content we expect, and then was followed up with a steady stream of genuinely new content. I guess we'll have to wait and see if this approach works.
  12. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I suppose that makes sense, I wish that wasn't the case though. since its launch i've been playing witcher pretty much most of my xbox time just cos I felt like there wasn't enough variety on h5 (or more specifically stuff I wanted to do).
    MultiLockOn and a Chunk like this.
  13. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    H5 Magnum:
    Skillful? Yes.
    Utility Weapon? No.

    If you'd like to discuss this further I suggest we start a new topic or find a more relevant one.
  14. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    While I agree and its delay came as a surprise to all of us, I think the content and care that is being put into the system is greater than anything we've seen in previous titles. In addition to that, they plan on improving the experience even further over time. I think we're in great hands and can't wait to see how forge grows because the content going forward will be an additive experience.
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  15. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Yeah, I actually don't think they'll lose many forgers as a result of the delay. I'm more concerned about the lack of gametypes and social playlists. Not having forge makes their absence harder to live with. Withholding 'core' gametypes doesn't seem like a good idea to me at all.
    MultiLockOn, SloppyBottom and WAR like this.
  16. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I wonder if the grifball community thinks we are in great hands
    MultiLockOn and Blaze like this.
  17. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    They'll come to appreciate things in time - unfortunately thats what is causing issues..."time". Much better problem to have than "quality".
  18. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    While I want to believe this is true and I do think 343 made a more fun and competitive core game when it comes to H5, I can't imagine being a newer fan to the series and being comfortable with the sustain plan.

    For first time halo buyers there aren't many expectations. For long time Halo fans, there are perhaps too many. I think it's one thing to let down fans of the original trilogy, but at this point it's almost a given, and if you've stuck around this long you can probably wait a little longer. But if my first Halo was one of the last few, H5 would be disappointing too and I think that says a lot.

    The Forge community knows they are being taken care of, and they know when that will happen. That isn't the case for many other Halo groups. If this upcoming community update is frank about when things like social playlists, core gametypes, and community gametypes are releasing, then I'll have a lot more trust.

    343 has yet to start a game with a robust (dozen or so) ranked and social playlist offering. I think that is a more valid plan to retain players. If the the population doesn't last playlists can be cut accordingly, but we'll never know if a population would have existed at launch for a playlist if it isn't there to begin with. Adding playlists post-launch can backfire if the groups they are intended to please have already moved on.

    I think 343's sustain plan would be much more valid for a free to play model, but as is players can and will sell their copies if they don't like what they get and will be hesitant to buy the title back again. And let's not forget the casual audience is more than likely not following Halo news. Even as a long time Halo fan, I didn't start following Halo specific news until H4 released and I was disappointed.

    I want 343 to do well. I think @a Chunk is right. Continued content to re-interest players is good as long as it starts with a solid and expected content base. For me that includes social playlists with fun gametypes. I think that's especially important now that Halo has a Teen rating and Christmas is coming, which will more than likely bring a large influx of younger casual players.
    WAR and SaltyKoala like this.
  19. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    How is it not a utility weapon?

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