
Discussion in 'Map Discussion' started by WAR, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    WARHOLIC submitted a new map:

    Basin - An 8v8 symmetrical BTB map inspired by Bloodgulch and Valhalla.

    Read more about this map...
  2. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The map is too large. It's scaled in a way where sprint is a necessity to navigate, not an option. The changes in elevation are too steep, which lends to awkward engagements between players, as well as driving vehicles over. Solid map. Definitely not bad, but could use improving.
    Soldat Du Christ and Psychoduck like this.
  3. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    This map is both my favorite and least favorite to play on. A lot of people seemed to be expecting direct remakes, instead of this inspired-by piece. I really enjoy playing on it. CTF is super tense, and super hard to score. It plays very similar to Valhalla in this way, that if a team can get the flag past the halfway point (On Valhalla its the hill, on Basin it is past the building or through the camo-cave), the flag is pretty much safe except for vehicles.

    On Strongholds and Slayer however, because the gametypes are a bit more rotational and force spawn flipping, the power weapons can be abused a bit. With Halo 5, it seems power weapons spawn extremely fast. I have had a match or two where enemy teams get a hold of both snipers and completely control the map. While this is the point of power play, it also makes the map not really fun.
    I am also not a fan of rocket hogs. They feel really weak to me, especially if you are shooting from downhill, which is a big factor on this map. I would rather take a gun-goose if I am planning on killing people.

    I don't like the Rocket Hogs on this map. Because most of the map involves facing up-hill, it makes it harder to use the Rocket Hog (which benefit from AOE blast damage) and hit people, especially since they already feel so weak. A standard Warthog, or even a Guass Hog, would feel better on this map.
    #3 SmartAlec13, Nov 19, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
  4. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    I think 343 achieved their goal of making a Valhallaesque map. That being said, I don't know how I feel about the rocket hogs in ranked BTB, even though they are fun as hell for social BTB. I actually don't mind the steep inclines on this map too much. Strongholds is a boring CQC fest in the middle tower though. The ridges that flank the bases seem a little lazy but effective.
  5. Kamera

    Kamera Ancient
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    Basin is a bit too open, but I love the tower and how it's crucial to have control in order for your team to be successful.
  6. End My Misery

    End My Misery Legendary

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    Definitely my favorite of the bunch, mostly because I tend to play best on it compared to the other maps, but I swear there are design reasons.
    • I really enjoy the cannons on the base. A extremely nice alternative compared to walking (or sprinting) towards the middle of the map.
    • The middle base makes for great close quarters action if you don't excel at long range combat. (It has a very simple design which is a plus from me.)
    • Not a fan of the steep hill splitting the map. Really awkward engagements ensue there so I tend to avoid that area of the map.
    • I find the side paths that connect the Active Camo tend to go unused, which leads to sneaky sneaks sneaking around the back side of your spawn (Which is good for them I suppose if they can pull it off without anyone noticing) but for the most part it's just dead space.
    • The bases designs are a little weird. I don't know if this is a positive or a negative.
    #6 End My Misery, Nov 21, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
  7. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I feel like I am playing duckhunter sitting with a sniper on the cancerous mole on the map.
  8. Foxy

    Foxy Promethean

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    Like all of the maps in this collection, it plays smaller than before. The Halo 5 mechanics provide an environment that allows players to traverse long distances on foot much faster than in previous titles. Trick jumps are intentional, plentiful, and give the play space variety. The power weapon locations are varied and more obtainable than before. The plenteous weapon placement is an obvious answer to the increased quantity of cover that is now found throughout the landscape.

    The proportions of the map are clearly methodical. Vehicle paths are segmented by twisting infantry routes and towering geological obelisks. These obstacles, while numerous, do not over fragment the map. Gaps are challenging, yet rewarding. Even the placement and characteristics of the active camouflage was obviously very well thought out. Walking at a normal pace while cloaked will reveal the faintest silhouette of a player, while slowing ever so slightly will completely mask the player in transparency.
  9. Kell Of Scots

    Kell Of Scots Legendary
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    The Middle Base is easily some of the WORST implementation of a Middle Base Structure since Recurve, oh....

    Also, **** 343 for taking my map name: :mad:

    Anyway, The home Bases are Nice. good mix of Valhalla and Blood Gulch design. The Middle Base is a Cluster **** of Shotguns and is easily the second worst base to attack in the BTB Playlist. even without shotguns, the powerful SMG and AR can make it still an issue.

    Resolutions to this would be to make that base less claustrophobic. enlarging and connecting the Invis cave to provide a ove way attacking route from it would be beneficial. an entrance into that structure were you dont have to worry about a shotgunner camping a corner would be nice.

    The Incin Cannon Hill is very meh. it feels awkard to fight on and only acts as a way to attack the Middle structure when the cannons up to fire a shot down the hall into the Strongholds zone. Making this area more interesting would be nice.

    I feel that the home base basin areas are pretty nice. the ridges either side provide good offensive plays to the base. However the lifts in the base meant alot of player didnt know about the shotgun on the fron ridge, as you tend to rush the lifts. connecting to the front ridge with a open bridge would play better I feel.

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