This is a thread for everyone to post their halo 5 clans. You may use this thread for discussing specific clans, recruiting, etc.your posts, include your Company name, bio, and a link to it. You may also want to include things such as reasons to join, requirements, company rules, etc.
Join Dorito, a Spartan company dedicated to skills in all gametypes, especially forge, and who love the lore behind the games. We have customs lobbies every Friday starting in December.
Introduction forums are usually active Seven Deadly Sins is the company 76 current members Link: deadly sins
My comany is "Dust and Echoes" Its a name my close friends and brothers have been using for a long time. The company isn't active yet (only 3 members) but I would gladly let anyone in who doesn't have a company yet.
Team Ramrod. Have not made it yet but basically I just want it to be a group that people are irritated by. Just a bunch of ass clowns. If you feel you are up to the challenge of being an ass clown send me a message. To be the most disliked group is the only goal.
Blue Death We've been around since back in Halo 3 and have continued maintaining an organized clan that still has fun playing customs and matchmaking, instead of having a bunch of petty drama that plague just about all other clans. We try to keep a moderate number of active members instead of just recruiting anyone we can and not keep track of if they're even in the clan after a week. Because of this we have a tight-knit community that gets along and works together really well. If you want to join just add me on Xbox and join the company.
Join the Cadet X Army! -Custom game nights! -Live Stream events -Get yourself featured on the official Cadet X channel -Be a part of an awesome community of Halo fans
Im not advertising a company or starting one, I'm looking for one - I only have internet on the weekends so I can help getting it started but wont be online all the time. I'd like to know if anyone knows of OR would be interested in starting an "Aussie forge and customs" Spartan company. Easier to organise customs nights with people in a similar timezone. I'm thinking its for Australian forgers and people who like customs and casual type games, as well as some serious online competitive play. But not the place for the really competitive gamer - people who play for the fun of it and can switch between casual and serious. I'm thinking of some regular customs night maybe one a week and as I'm an older gamer a once a month get drunk customs night - we all get online and start the first drink as we start playing till we are all pissed, something me and some mates did a few times and it was great fun, some of the best fun I've had on halo, might have to create a second custom night on this week for the young ones if the clan was to ever exist and get that big.