I was taking a walk through this recreational area near my apartment when the architecture of a community center caught my eye. With a little bit of tweaking, I can easily see it as the centerpiece of a map. What I'm curious about though, is where do you guys get your inspiration? Specific games? Long walks on the beach? Idle doodles? Edit: spelling. Phone keyboards are merciless.
Most of my inspiration comes from past halo maps and campaigns. I occasionally look up quake maps and such, but most of the time I don't leave the game. For this exact reason I have been wanting to create a thread asking about peoples favorite forgers/forge maps in preparation for h5 forge, but I've been lazy.
Inspiration for me can come from pretty much anywhere. Different architecture and natural environments often spark a bit of inspiration. Of coarse past Halo maps also do as well. I've gotten a lot of inspiration from other forgers also. So yea, pretty much inspiration is everywhere. I would be curious to see what are peoples favorite forge maps/forgers.
I hear a voice in my head, it tell me what to forge. In reality I don't gain inspiration by what exists. my map inspirations come from actions. What type of battle do I want to take place and where ? The pace?. and I design from their. In other words I envision the battle I want to see; then think about the terrain that would be required.
Usually other maps. The map I'm currently making is inspired by a portion of a room/hallway in a Warsow map, and you wouldn't even be able to tell, because it's gone through significant re-designs. While making it, I've noticed some features reminiscent of Damnation, so I've kept it in the back of my head while re-designing some other areas again, because Damnation is one of my favorites. My Halo map Worthy was inspired by an awesome UT map, Spirit. My Halo map Angst was inspired by another UT map, Sentinel, but I went in another direction early on and switched it to be a map inspired by House of Pain.