Hey forgehubbers, EDIT: My **** friend found out you can re-take the survey over and over, so he had a bit of fun and added like 100 votes. Basically, I want to know your opinions on the Breakout maps currently, and what would make a create new breakout map Thanks!
Movement prediction is more relevant than ever in this game mode, so I don't know that any of these styles are the way to go. I really think that vertical 4v4 maps will translate extremely well into the breakout setting. Just because it looks like a paintball field doesn't mean we have to make paintball fields.
As the breakout maps are currently in the map database, users are able to vote and comment on them. Hopefully this encourages them to share their opinions of the map pool in the near future.
Tell me whats right with it Now, whats wrong it. They have clearly modelled it off CS/SnD (as they are successful, dont think otherwise). Now imagine if I took a hammer to CSGO, and did the following -Removed the economy system -Took away the starting weapon meta -Made all the maps symmetrical -Removed the attack/defensive mechanic, made it equal -Removed one of the plot points -Made the objective an afterthought -Removed map routes, flattened the maps Whilst changing the shield mechanics that make Halo, and not adding anything else in return
Never played CS, but to me, breakout is really fun. I have a great time with it regardless of what is arguably wrong with it.
It might be an interesting take on Breakout to have players on the same team spawn in significantly different positions. It would push duels, certain" roles" in a map that would change each time, and hopefully would help spectators grok the team's strategy quickly.
You do that, but dont come into a thread talking about map design when you are literally saying "im having fun, so lalala". Those designing maps have to currently create maps around a flawed gametype, limiting their potential. As I said, some improvments to the gametype can assist map designers.
It's not flawed to me, nor to many others. So when forge comes out, I'll likely build a breakout map around the gametype in it's current state. Play it. Have fun. And not be hindered by the gametype at all.
So yeah I guess I'm fine with actual gametype. Just those two things frustrate me about the playlist.
Doju, I'm pretty sure you know the objective is nothing more than an attempt to get players to push forward/expose themselves in stalemate situations. It's basically execution on Gears of War, but with a movement incentive. It would be a massive change, but having the flag score at each team's own spawn would basically ensure a rush to the middle, and speed up the game exponentially. So, if their intention is fast, intense gameplay: Maybe own spawn scoring would've been a better option. If their intention is for strategic, tactical gameplay: The maps don't represent that at all. If we could switch spawns every round (I don't see why we wouldn't be able to), then asymmetrical maps will compliment Breakout better than symmetrical maps. Respawns aren't a variable, so there is no reason for every map to be symmetrical. But what do you expect when you put map selection in the hands of the pros.... I personally enjoy Breakout, but that's because I like the elimination gametype in pretty much any shooter.