Josh mentioned on the TeamBeyond forums that he would like a custom game option wishlist -- so if there's a neat option you would like Halo 5 to have (or have back), post it here! Let's get a comprehensive list together so that 343i knows what the community wants. To quote exactly from Josh's post, Okay, go!
I'll start off! It would be great to have an option to limit the maximum size of a lobby. Another nice one would be options to modify individual weapons' damage stats in custom games options.
I will start listing my idea's all right here to minimize post... - INFORMATION ABOUT IDEA'S POSTED HERE - Also be sure to check back on each Date of Fallowing Post as it can be added to or updated before the next starting on the next days list... (NOTE: I will have a be added idea all in that day's date till the next day rolls around and it will be posted on the next date below the previous date) DATE OF FALLOWING POST: 10 - 30 - 2015 (1) 1. Being able to play as Elites: Able to set one team to elites or both to elites or none. (2) 2.Can even go crazy with it and have Flood done the same way where you play as. Some game mode though would work well being able to set them options for like a story line based design... Specially when Forge gets here I am talking about. Also it be nice to look like flood when playing infection anyhow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) 1. Setting to spawn you in a vehicle and getting to select the vehicle every spawns inside. (4) 2. When Race mode is added the option to turn on Teams not the normal FFA. Also with the (5. option i said above) being able if team is able have a true or false option that Teammates spawn in the same vehicle such as a "Warthog" to have a gunner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5) I would love a time of day setting in the Custom Game Options. So you can change the look of the map on the fly in the custom game options. (6) One in the bullet in the chamber option for like that game mode style that would work with Breakout. Yes only one bullet (7) A 3 Legged Goat's Idea: Infinite Ammo and Bottomless Clip. (8) A 3 Legged Goat's Idea: Spawn with random weapons. (9) Hot Potato option for Oddball.. With Random time or a set-able time to explode or do shock or burn damage till you drop it and have a cool down timer b4 you can pick it up again.. (Exploding setting will kill you) (10) Forge game option to turn on so you can fly thew placed objects... Yes this is needed it would help out... Like there is nothing there... (NOTE: This should be a in-game forge option though) (11) Forge game option to disable privileges from players everyone except host... This is to stop people from joining and messing things up... Only thing they can do is fly around and look. (12) R3stinP3ac3's Idea: 3rd Person View Option. (13) theSpinCycle's Idea: It would be great to have an option to limit the maximum size of a lobby. (14) theSpinCycle's Idea: An options to modify individual weapons' damage stats in custom games options. (15) An option to do some old school Duel Welding (16) An option to turn on Kill Cam or Final Kill of the Game Cam. (17) An option for a Spectate Mode able to be turned on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE OF FALLOWING POST: THANKS FOR READYING MY POST... Please tell me what you think about it and hit the "LIKE"
Elites Ai Transforming maps 3rd person(jk) Warzone weapons available Vehicle skins and/or different functions Forerunner vehicles/Forerunner weapons other than the ones given Plenty of different types of forge canvas like: water world, jungles, volcanic map etc. well this is for forge but you know what I mean more nature maps for customs. Transition maps
Everything at this point including custom game options would be regarded as dlc at this point. Only the maps would seem like dlc but even then we should get a change in environment as a custom option since the maps look the same. Everything else would be options since most of them are basically in the base game just need to be modified so it works within customs.
I would love a time of day setting in the Custom Game Options... --- Double Post Merged, Oct 30, 2015 --- One in the bullet in the chamber option for like that game mode style that would work with Breakout...
Not really sure on the weapons from Warzone.. Just know you cant forge warzone... Because its alot more complex... But there maybe more to the list of guns we get.. but idk if thats what the post is about. This post is more for Custom Game Options not things physical items there adding... Just editable options with in the custom game... Although i would love to see the missile pod and some of that other stuff..
Option to disable the blue outline on on-map weapons Option to entirely disable killfeed in all gametypes I'll add more when I can think of them.
-One-sided sequential locking territories, with the option to enable spawning on capture, and with separate team traits. -An option in infection to have proximity chat, like it was in Halo 3. Better yet, make this an option for all gametypes so we can have games like social slayer. -Slayer scoring in objectives games, like CTF, alongside the default objective scoring. -Infection with sequential safe havens. Progressive zone spawning for infected an option. -Grav hammers possible as starting weapon for all gametypes. Options to tweak the effect it has on players and vehicles. Especially for infection where zombies can toss warthogs and mongooses around, Smashy Chase. -Option for forced spawning in vehicles in gametypes besides Race. Option to make this team specific or certain player specific (like an alpha zombie or VIP). -There should be a round indicator at the top of the scoreboard when you hold the select button during a game with multiple rounds -Ability to promote someone to leader during a game
Is it too unreasonable to have the ability to tweak the damage/capacity/rate of fire/durability for weapon/vehicle types? This could be both in custom game options (to edit everything on the map at once, allowing new weapon balances) or in Forge (for the creation of a few weapons that have custom characteristics; being able to rename/reskin weapons in Forge would allow basic "Legendary" weapon creation).
The only options for Number of Lives are 1 and Unlimited. Clearly need more options. Cannot set movement speed or jump height to 0%, lowest you can go is 10%. I'll have to dig a bit more when I get home. I was impressed with the new options added for Spartan abilities, but they seem to have removed a lot of important options. I'm really hoping these aren't the final versions of Slayer, Strongholds, and CTF.
With the variety of vehicles both plain and armed in H5 there will probably heaps of possibilities for race, rocket race type gametypes and more crazy stuff. But something has always been a problem here when you introduce weapons - what has been called in the past in rocket race lovers, "griefers". Particularly in rocket race you would have these people that instead of scoring points wouldn't play the game properly and would just spend the whole game finding people who had flipped their mongoose and keep blowing it up so that people would never be able to get back on it. I had an idea that went someway to fixing this in H3 which was to give the driver a bubble shield to protect your goose whilst flipping it - but its a limited supply. In Reach they had the thing where people off their vehicle just spawned back on to it. But there are still ways to grief others - as we all know the main culprits of this are annoying preteens - the kind who play king of the hill and don't score any points - just get their K/D ration up, its spoils the fun for everyone else. There has to be a way to completely eliminate griefing and just give the kill crazy kids bigteam infection or something to go nuts on. My suggestions: Maybe have the spawn back on your vehicle as an option like in HR - good for racetrack over water where you might lose your vehicle, but for rocket race or similar this would not penalise bad driving - just have the Spartans not be able to deal any damage at all when off their vehicle, no assasinations either, no bullets leaving their guns and if possible give them unlimited bubble shields. Then again they could still get griefed by people still on their vehicle especially if bubble shields is not possible in the h5 sandbox. What about a complety foolproof option - rollcages for all vehicles, mainly race vehicles like mongooses and warthogs and it means that although your vehicle can be flipped over either by yourself or enemy fire, you always eventually roll back upright and you and passengers never leave the vehicle for the entirety of the match. It would break fictional continuity to have say a passenger on a mongoose shooting through a steel cage and not blowing himself up so just make them as some kind of energy thing like a one way shield that you can shoot through and it only needs to activate when the vehicle flips