Time to build a snow themed remake of mother effing Last Resort using only destructible pallets on a break out canvas for no reason.
The only drawback is that using items from multiple canvases on a single map will negatively affect performance. The floor and the 'floor' section on most pieces are exactly the same texture so they appear seamless when used together.
I'm glad you mentioned performance. Any other issues with performance? Are certain objects/lights/textures more prone to frame rate issues like Reach?
Generally performance was very good even at the upper limits of piece count. We certainly did not have time to test which pieces affected performance. And, in case you missed it, this Forge places highly effective performance meters on screen so you can keep an eye on perf while building.
Nokyard, can you comment on your Standoff map? Was it just a jumping off point as far as the foundational inspiration? How did you feel about it? Any details you are allowed to share would be greatly appreciated. Standoff is one of my all time favorite BTB maps.
I was supposed to go into full detail about the map and my visit to the studio in an interview with Sikamikanico's site but they never set up a meeting. It's late so i will answer another time.
Would be cool to have the ability to favourite pieces into a list that we can draw from for every map we make since there are so many pieces now. And the ability to place windows (and bullet proof windows) into pieces or the seams between pieces.
I apologize if this has been asked already, but are there destructible items e.g. wood pallets, boxes, windows?
Thats a great idea and was actually part of the feedback I left to after our experience with the interface. So hopefully we will be seeing something like this in the future.
I'm interested in a 'falling leaves' 'particle' FX. Similar to the kind that's seen on 'Plaza'. Could really help turning maps into anime's.
With that I would also like to ask, can you rotate Particle FX? It might seem like a dumb question but... I dunno, I keep getting this weird creeping feeling that Particle FX are fixed facing 'upwards'. Is it possible to do things such as stick a fire on the ceiling facing down towards the floor? Can I flip a plume of smoke on it's side to make it look like it's shooting out the side of a wall? Will the Cowboys ever get their sh*t together?
It would be nice to have a moon terrain or mars terrain or water terrain, since we cant edit it. Or make a sand one and let us change the colour. Farcry lets you edit everything, hoping forge goes this way.
I saw a destructible Jersey Barrier but the Scenery menu was incomplete so we do not know which pieces will be in the game.. Tom welded a FX piece onto a space whale to simulate a blow hole, then duplicated it several times. The FX moved right along with the bouncing space whales. FX are also affected by the map's wind direction/speed settings.
Needz moar scripting! So any interesting tidbits about the new scripting? Will I have enough Timers to create a positronic brain this time? I was a few short in the last one...
I think the forge maps shown in the November neak peak look awesome but are they scale right for halo 5? The headlong remakes doesnt look up scaled or anything and im just curious how it will play with sprint. The other makes look fine since they arent actually remakes but hopefully they will play well. What were your thoughts going into making those maps that are inspired by other halo maps. I like they new takes on older maps. Also will forge look better than what those screenshots shown? Some parts look like they have low res detail. Just curious.
Josh Holmes is fundamentally opposed to enlarging dimensions to accommodate sprint. When i mentioned doing so for Standoff i tried to explain that the bases are the same size as the original, but i moved them farther apart to help drive players to use vehicles. The maps do look better in-game. The lighting seems a bit off in screenshots.
Guillotine is a bit larger than the original map. I went into this project with no intentions of making a 1:1 remake as that's rarely a recipe for success when transferring a map from one game to another. Instead, I took a more organic approach and scaled each jump and each area independently to feel right for the game's base movement speed and new movement mechanics. I also got some opinions from pro players with a mastery of said mechanics when scaling the space and continued tweaking it based on their feedback and my own observations until it felt just right. The map has a lot of new skill jumps, increasing vertical movement potential and the pace of the game.
So this new forge looks awesome. I'm really excited to try out the new controls and push the limits of the tools. But I want to hear from the Psychoduck, the Fated Fire, Nokyard, and Warholic... what are you guys worried about? I know that forge will be a service and get updated continuously, but is there anything you think won't be up to par at release?
I had no idea BTB was coming this soon, I figured we wouldn't see it until forge dropped. Gonna be nice having a few new (and old) maps to play considering the current H5 maps are just getting a little... eh.