consistently the most inventive forger out there, never stop trying to do things differently with competitive maps, ventricle was so inventive with a map so clearly tailored to powerups in a way never done before. warholic is the one competitive forger who trys to reinvent how competitive maps function, never stop doing that. honestly. too many forgers have maps that function so similar to one another, youre the only forger who isnt boring anymore. always try to do things differently, please make that your goal. always.
the reach map spire blew my mind always. bungie set out to make a map with essentially a huge tower in the center that overlooks everything below, and somehow manage to balance that. it wasnt the best playing map, like it couldve been done better, but conceptually, a really cool idea. can you make a map that is strictly vertical, like everyone talks about verticality, but take that to an extreme, as little horizontals as possible, ive always wanted to do that, never could figure out how to balance it. i have faith in you though warholic.