Snow DK Created by: Zzbomb and Brody Howell Sponsered by: Description: We started this map as an attempt to duplicate the original Halo 2 Donkey Kong v2 Mod. What we came out with was better in many ways. Level 1 you start the same going up a ramp with explosives falling onto you. Level 2, you take a mongoose and drive it forward making a jump than bouncing to the next teleporter. Level 3, you find yourself in a circle of boxes and teleporters. Choose the right one and move on. To level 4, you jump to the end, anymisteps and your history finally mancannoning to level 5. Level 5, you snipe something moving across the map allowing you to move onto level 6. Level 6, you get to do lots of ghost driving. Level 7 is a walk in the park or should i say matrix. It just finishes the game off for you with no real challenge. While in the matix you take a teleporter to 2 platforms, 1 on each side of map connected by 2 way nodes which you can shoot at people while they attempt Snow DK. Can you finish it? Map Download Variant Download Gametypes DK - A Slayer Variation Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 6 another angle You win.
That part of the map you have to make some massive jumps in the ghost, I just recorded myself making the jumps and took the pictures. If you do the map you will know what i am talking about when you get to that part. Also, It tooks and Long time to build and almost just as long to complete it lol. Just so you know it is possible i have completed it like maby 4 times. And others in my parties have also. Once you get good at it, it only take a few tries.
Not recommended to play this in a laggy party, lol. Tried that earlier, and epic fail was the result.
looks really fun and differant im not a big fan on these type of maps but this is good enough to get a dl im sure its really competetive with allot of ppl