REQ variants not usable in customs or Forge. - Josh Holmes

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by XBL Armory, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. XBL Armory

    XBL Armory Forerunner
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    We need to protest this decision otherwise all of those weapon variants will be trapped in forge Warzone

    In case people here don't know about the differences weapon variants bring to the table here Here is the build recent warzone footage came from where Greenskull from RUL flips through all of the named Reqs in that build, most have descriptions of how they are different: (8:17)

    One rocket launcher fires 3 rockets in a V pattern and can be laser guided to the target and the rockets will airburst if they miss, the other rocket called High five fires 5 Hydra rounds per shot and can lock onto air and ground targets, there is a Hydra that fires EMP rounds, there is a gauss canon and fuel rod canon that leave AOE pools that do damage over time, there is a sniper rifle that holds 6 rounds, there is a needler that can combine on vehicles and another that has faster needle with better tracking, one Incineration canon fires just bomblets in semi auto but can fire a burst when charged, another just fires a big ****in laser the original behaves the same as it did in 4, there is a supressed pistol that doesn't show on radar when fired and make practically no rapport, one plasma caster fires two stickies at a time and another fires has a special airburst effect if fired from the hip either way it explodes creates a needler combine effect, of the railgun variants one charges faster and has multiple round in a mag which all have a proximity airburst effect (they can miss and still hit the target by exploding to the side) the other can be charged indefinitely and can overpenetrate as well as do increased vehicle damage.

    This is huge and we still don't know all of the variants that exist and the RUL list in the video above is incomplete as it doesn't include the Ironsight BR or DMR seen in campaign clips or the text for spartan lasers, most vehicles, swords, plasma pistols or variants of promethean and covie riffles.

    I shouldn't have to go into detail with this community about how much these weapons could change gameplay and how legitimizing their use could be in certain community made maps and custom games.

    Tweet the devs and tell them what you want I suggest using #REQSINFORGE, if you have a reddit account make your feelings known here: and if you have a neogaf account complain there too.

    We need to make a ruckus over this so they fix it.
    a Chunk likes this.
  2. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
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    My Halo CE pistol... :(
  3. XBL Armory

    XBL Armory Forerunner
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    If this doesn't blow over by tomorrow I'm gonna try to push a hashtag to scare them.

    #BoycottREQ if we go over their heads and straight to majornelson and Phil Spencer on twitter they will probably get chewed out hard enough to change it without half assing it.
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I honestly think they'll come eventually. I don't see them locking away that stuff just for warzone forever. They obviously want to create a since of surprise with these unique weapons and having them in forge ruins it a little. Once that surprise wears off, then I think they'll add them in no problem.
  5. XBL Armory

    XBL Armory Forerunner
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    Considering forge doesn't come out until December I think that is already achieved, disallowing reqs in forge from the launch of forge will only stifle creativity; it's also not a garaunteed thing that we will be getting these reqs in forge ever, we need to start up some sort of community upheaval overthis, raise hell.

  6. R3stinP3ac3

    R3stinP3ac3 Legendary

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    That's what I was thinking since forge is delayed Warzone will have plenty of time to be played out so Warzone weapons won't feel as unique. By that time btb would be out so plenty of players would hop onto to that than wanting loadouts and increasing the chances of a bunch of powerups or power weapons.

    Unless the Ai is fixed they won't really feel like much of a challenge. So why limit weapon variants/ vehicle variants to Warzone if people would enjoy the game more without needing to be in a match made game. Custom games will always be where most of the fun is and why the players would come back to play.
  7. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I guess I'm in the minority. I would be cool with just having access to every weapon and vehicle that has been introduced in previous Halo FPS games. I really don't see a need for variants of the standard weapons and vehicles. I'm not against them adding it, but I would probably prefer people use the variants for Mini Games.
  8. XBL Armory

    XBL Armory Forerunner
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    For use in minigames is a good deal of what this is about, I could spitball ideas about using the laser guided rockets for a giant battleship board game or the splash gauss canon for a sort of blind hobo heights game type, but I'm sure anybody here could see potential uses for some of the less extreme/gimicky variants like the needler variants: one has faster projectiles with better tracking and the other can combine on vehicle armor You wouldn't place those like a normal needler but is it wrong to make those power weapons if you balance your map for it?

    Every single one of the vehicle variants has a purpose in my opinion simply because there are so many anti vehicle tools in the sand box now because snipers and SMG and even light arm fire can drop a vehicle along with the numerous power weapons available to build a map around I would just use variant vehicles all the time in my maps just to give them some extra armor and make sure you can spot the Gauss hog a mile away so you know to get to cover before the fire a round.

    Some of these variants actually behave like weapons from previous games, there are a few guns we think behave similarly to the fusion rifle, one rocket variant fires multiple projectiles and can lock on to stuff just like the plasma launcher, there are variant versions of the SMG and pistol that make them like the ones in ODST and there are BR variants that give them longer range scopes.

    I want the rest of the halo kit from other games and they've left that possibility open but we must demand that forgers deserve to have access to every resource available and these things shouldn't be stripped away for no purpose at all.

    Does anyone know how we can explain to 343 that we want all of the variants in forge before it launches?
  9. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I can understand where you are coming from. My thing is that I just wouldn't want a hundred different weapons potentially in my pocket. On the other hand I would totally be down with forgers being given access to weapons modifiers.(on a weapon by weapon basis) This would essentially accomplish the same goal. It's a matter of Semantics really, but still my personal preference. Also the end result should probably offer more choice than just offering standardized variants.

    Basically you would place a weapon and then you could choose, rate of fire, scope/noscope, scope distance, falloff distance, damage, projectile, explode on impact, bounce on impact, seeking, ect . . .

    If we're talking about adding, to create varying gameplay, you might as well go all the way and Forge the hell out of every element of the forge. I mean, who wouldn't want an indestructible, plasma launching, hover Mongoose.
  10. XBL Armory

    XBL Armory Forerunner
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    You can read all of the variant weapon and vehicle descriptions to see what they do now, they added active camo to prophets bane and there is a plasma pistol that creates (effectively) a singularity on contact.

    BR's and DMRs with sniper scopes and even a burst fire pistol with a suppressor.

    How anyone can still say they don't believe these should be made available in forge and even customs I would have no clue their rationalization for such a thought.
    a Chunk likes this.

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