
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Shock Theta, May 26, 2008.

  1. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    My favourite (I spelled that just for you, Shock) part is the use of the words "modicum" and "swathe" in the description. Not only does the man create excellent maps, but he teaches you English at the same time. Well done indeed, sir!
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    When you see it, you'll understand. But that's for another time, Shockie. ;D

    I have a nice feel about compartment, but I really just want to get a game going for this so I can test it out. It feels very very claustrophobic; I'm thinking it would be fun for some 1v1s, 2v2s, or maybe a small FFA.
  3. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    one of the few competitive maps i thoroughly enjoy... glad you finally finished it after weeks of begging... im DLn it for my LAN party for sure dude...good job
    Titmar likes this.
  4. LiL Viper202

    LiL Viper202 Ancient
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    well i havnt played it yet but i am thinking the map is too small to play half the games you posted for it... Althought nice last pic

    Well, if they didn't work on the map I wouldn't have suggested them. It should go without saying I tested every gametype, and for the gameplay style this map strives for, those gametypes do the job. Actually, I am rather fond of 3v3 Team SWAT and 6 man Save One Bullet on this map, which is loading up with the maximum amount of players. So if you are still inclined, have a few games and see what you think then. If you don't like it I would completely understand, I certainly agree this isn't one for all tastes, not by a long way. But it is to mine, to mix things up a little on occasion.

    SPAGETTII Ancient
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    looks good and the design of the map itself is impressive
    but i have to say it just lacks that 'wow' factor

    Actually I agree with you. I released it because I consider it to be fairly original for its type, and because it's a polished and playable map. I really enjoy the games I play on it, but that's my personal preference. Thanks a lot for the compliments on the design aspects, that matters more to me than whether the map is to your taste or not.
  6. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    Haha pics look good but i dont get how they connect? great job with pics =]

    The first two are taken with the roof off to show the entirety of the bottom and top floors from the required distance.
  7. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    shock theta your a god, this is f****** sweet a map i will defently download, p.s whats an admin
  8. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    I played a 1v1 with my brother, Shock, and I love the map good job. I want to try a 3v3 multi-flag or SWAT with some people this weekend. I the map is built quite well. I would not of minded to play this as one of the rounds in the 1v1 showdown. It would of worked better then Pi IMO. I can't wait for what you are posting next.
    #28 Epic Tusk, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: May 29, 2008

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    ill definatly download because i like team swat and some of the other gametypes for it. but their is also some other reasons: great interlocking makes a great map, good gametypes makes a great map... and i think thats it. i cant wait to see your 2001th posts.
  10. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    This map is really awesome, infact it has inspired me to create an entirely indoor themed map (we'll see how that goes). Thanks for the inspiration.
  11. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    The Review Hub

    Map Name:Compartment
    Author:Shock Theta
    Reviewed By:roche178

    Enjoyment: 9/10
    We played a game of FFA slayer and a game of team slayer and it was really fun, so fun in fact I would still be playing it if I did not have to write this review.The whole party said they had a blast and saw no major issues with the map.

    Balance: 10/10

    The weapon placement on this map was very well done neither team ever had too much of an advantage over their apposing team, and as a result added to the enjoyment factor.

    Durability: 10/10

    This map is impossible to escape from and I saw absolutely no problems with spawns, which is especially hard to do in such a close quarters map.

    Aesthetics: 7/10

    This map while very well interlocked although, there are a few bumps in the floor and there is nothing really too amazing about it like cool features that give the map character.

    Originality: 6/10
    While this map did not copy any features from other maps it did not have anything that made me or my fellow reviewers say "Wow I have never seen that before."

    Overall score: 9/10

    This is an excellent map very well balanced, the spawns were perfect (Very hard to achieve in such a small map) and it was completely unbreakable overall very well built.
  12. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
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    1.) no pictures
    2.) No map link.
  13. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    What are you talking about dude. There are Pictures and a Down Load link.

    EDIT: to make this comment less spammy. This plays well with Swat CTF and Multi CTF, but with Multi have flag home to score.
    #33 Epic Tusk, Jun 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  14. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Looks really nice, sweet job, shock.
  15. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, that's very highly rated, thank you very very much, I'm glad you enjoyed the map so! I personally wouldn't have rated that high... *shrug*

    *Tips hat in squids direction*

    If you were referring to your remake of Gesuido (sp?), then you are far too hard on yourself.

    Hope the LAN goes well, and hope this map doesn't disappoint. I'm at severe risk from the map list you've told me, heh.

    That's awesome, best of luck with your map.

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