Forged For Greatness (OXM Article)

Discussion in 'Articles' started by WAR, Oct 8, 2015.

By WAR on Oct 8, 2015 at 11:41 AM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    OXM (Official Xbox Magazine) Article
    Written by Edwin Evans-Thirlwell
    Sept 14, 2015[​IMG]
    #1 WAR, Oct 8, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
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Discussion in 'Articles' started by WAR, Oct 8, 2015.

    1. WAR

      --- Double Post Merged, Oct 8, 2015 ---

    2. WAR
    3. Preacher001
      Greatest ever on console will be a bit of a hurtle given that Far Cry pretty much owns this space, but I'm looking forward to 343's attempt to take the mantle. I hope they succeed.
      Behemoth and NILLOC916 like this.
    4. leegeorgeton
      I must admit I really like that final map callout #8.
      WAR and a Chunk like this.
    5. CommanderColson
      Yes! Look at all the competitive maps they've spot lighted!
      --- Double Post Merged, Oct 8, 2015 ---
      Now other Xbox communities will know exactly what we're all about! ;)
      Psychoduck, leegeorgeton, WAR and 3 others like this.
    6. TurbTastic
      Tickled pink to see that I was mentioned... Then I saw that I'm in there twice!! Great article. Like many, I'll be a busy mofo once H5 forge comes out.

      FYI my Sumo maps are inspired by the Sumo minigame in Fuzion Frenzy.
      Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
      a Chunk likes this.
    7. Erk
      Is it just me or does that Brumak have something a little extra downstairs that the OXM editors didn't catch.
    8. AnonomissX
      Goodness gracious great balls of fire!
    9. leegeorgeton
    10. Preacher001
      It says golden joystick on the article.
      CommanderColson likes this.
    11. Blaze
      Cool that forge is getting some light. And good job to you (war) and sean. Although the forge creations here all are well deserving I'm quite sad to see not even a single competitive or core map was showcased. There are plenty that show the possibilities of looks and functionality that could've been shown in a picture. Kind of feels like the article was simply showing the art/fun aspects rather than the design and the hard work it takes to make a map play with a competitive audience. Either way, still grateful to see forge as a whole not go unnoticed like it mostly has in the past. And with Halo 5 we need to show everyone that some forgers have the ability to be not only an artist but that we can create map on the same as devs since that obviously isn't what most of the outsiders relate us too.
      a Chunk and WAR like this.
    12. WAR
      There are a bunch of mislabeled annotations in the article. If you take a look at the text compared to picture, you'll see that it corresponds to the wrong game. While the interview the wacky fun factor of forge, I also wished there were some core maps featured. So, lets kick some dev butts and make some great maps in H5!
      Blaze and CommanderColson like this.
    13. Blaze
      I plan too! And I'll be there to provide some help and a different perspective to you and anyone else so that they can do the same. I'm pumped. Plus, were going to have to make up for the lacking map pool.

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