Actually I guess I should have written that title as a question With backwords compatibility coming up I thought it was about time I fixed my old Forgehub Map posts. Since all of my posts are from the old Forgehub, I cannot find my maps via the new search button. Will reposting all of the maps work or is there something Forgehub needs to do on it's end to fix the problem? The other thing I need to deal with is the fact that the photo's have slowly dropped off since Forgehub updated it's forums and the old stuff stopped getting crawled. I used to be able to type my profile name into google and see photo's of my maps all through there. Without the crawl the photo's stopped being seen and quickly were deleted by the free hosting site. I think I will need to find a more permanent yet still free way to host the images. Dropbox maybe?
Hey man, glad to see you're back! We had a nice PM convo about this before, but as you pointed out it's a good idea to let everyone know what the solution is: To make super-old maps that are currently unsearchable searchable, you'll have to copy/paste and repost them.
Thanks Spin, or should I say Cycle. Oh hell, The-Spin-Cycle it is. Also worth pointing out, is if you intend on reposting, choose the edit feature on your old post and then click the little "Use BBcode Editor" button located in the top right corner of your post window. This will allow you to copy and paste your exact post with all of it's fancy text and links included.
Holy Hanna!!! Ok, so I'm not sure if it's posted on the site somewhere but if you're looking to post or repost those old Reach maps, here is how you get the "download link" the reliable and clean way. Go to your fileshare at and log in. Click on FILE SHARE and then click on MAP VARIANTS. When you click the map you want to share, a number will be added to the end of the address bar. For example http ://halo blah blah.......2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=24790797 Grab that number and add it to this much cleaner and more reliable link https://haloreachstats.halowaypoint...ebrowser/details/24790797?gametitle=haloreach Just replace 24790797 with any of your map numbers. Also to note: This appears to be the same number given by Bungie. If your old files are still over on you can even just grab the number from the address bar over there.
Sorry the forum is too intuitive. It will not let me post the full link. Either follow the link and copy it from the address bar or copy this link but remove the space between ht tps. ht tps://
Also worth noting, you can use the same link and method for File Share uploaded gametypes, screenshots and I would assume videos.
Here is my fileshare, the files are all still there. Do you want me to fix my old posts, or just make new ones?