This video is not talking about Map REMAKES. It's talking about Map REMIXES. (Example: Eden is a REMIX to Empire.) Halo 5 features a new idea to the map design approach, map remixes. This whole idea of taking a portion of an existing map, and changing or bending the layout and aesthetics in an attempt to offer another experience. This new idea of map remixes might actually be a bad idea, instead of a good one. Especially if they count as part of the 20 maps, which makes the large map count seem misleading.
The primary reason behind remixes is the consolidation of assets, that is models/meshes, used in the maps. By having multiple maps share a large number of assets, it takes away from the constraints on the modeling team that would nomrally limit the number of maps that could be produce. By sharing assets in this manner, that constraint is alleviated somewhat and allows the actual level design team to be employed to maximum capacity, resulting in additional maps created. It's not that they're putting less effort into creating the maps. It's not a quantity over quality issue. It's that before there was a bottle neck in the design process that prevented a higher quantity of maps being produced, which correspondingly resulted in human capital being under utilized in other areas (level designers). Each individual map is still getting the same about of care and attention they would in other titles that shipped with fewer.
That's a shame.... Regret was my favourite of the beta maps. Just wish they hadn't nabbed yet another one of my forge map names.
Gameplay wise, I feel that Regret plays better than Truth. From an artistic standpoint - I think Truth is visually and stylistically superior. I can not forgive Truth's extreme long lines of sight from tower to tower across top mid bridge. Thankfully Regret addressed it and has some structure to break it up.
Don't get me started on 343 stealing names ahah I suppose I can see the up sides of remixes, but its not like im pushing for them. I can also see why people do not like Truth, but personally I wasn't a fan of OG midship in the first place. I thought it worked well, but it has been a while since the damn beta.. my memory could be clouded
I'd have a little faith. There are good Forge maps, and what are Forge maps but a remix of an existing map? True, maps that are built on a flat canvas fit the description of an "original" better, but with pre-fabricated pieces, a lot of elements end up feeling the same. (Yay 1600 pieces!) That's to say nothing of things set on the natural geometry of places like Ravine for H4. I think the professional designers should be able to remix better than us Forgers. On the "feel" side from the beta, Regret and Truth felt and played worlds apart. Empire and Eden felt closer together, but they played differently.
I heavily disagree about forge maps being a remix of another map. Many people do need to look to another map to make one, and I'm guilty of that myself on occasion. However it is how you use another map. Taking the strengths of one map and attempting to fix it's weaknesses. That is only one method of forging though. There are a number of the best forgers out there who make completely original designs. The best thing to do is to take specific objects and use them in different ways to keep things from getting repetitive.
Agreed, that remixing is only one kind of forging. And also agreed that the best ones are original. I just am optimistic that with the tools available to them, the 343i designers can make good remixes.
I gotta agree, and have posted many times on the Halo reddit about this. The map count according to the infographic is going to be 21 maps total, with 6 being Warzone. So of the 15 Arena maps, we currently know 5 Breakout maps, 2 forged maps, and then the 8 "original" maps, which includes 2 remixes. I am worried.
Eden, Empire, Fathom, Truth, Regret, Coliseum <3 I have not seen plaza, and The Rig I am not sure on.