MCC is Dead :(

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Wpns Grade, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. Wpns Grade

    Wpns Grade Mythic

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    The MCC has been suffering, and now the game is dead. Lack of updates, content, and communication has severed the MCC population. There's still no word on when the next update will release. When the MCC released, i thought of the game as the return of Halo. Man was I wrong.
    Buddy Jumps likes this.
  2. PharmaGangsta1

    PharmaGangsta1 Dr. Deathpit
    Senior Member

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    Then why on earth are there enough people for me to find a game of big team in like 10 seconds? Why are there still maps being developed? Why are there still pages like this and youtube channels dedicated to content on the MCC?
    SpaceBean likes this.
  3. Faulk Smash

    Faulk Smash Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, I meaaaaan...

    ... Ya, you're right. :(
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  4. SpaceBean

    SpaceBean Legendary

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    I agree, MCC is way past due for some long awaited and promised updates. :343: clearly has turned its back on MCC to focus on newer, more profitable projects, but the fan base for the original halo trilogy is still there. People seem to blame :343:'s lack of patches and apathy for the poor gaming experience, but a lot of what people complain about is rooted in the player to player interaction. Yes :343: should be letting you boot h1 team members who betray you constantly. No, you should not be able to quit out before a game and end it for everyone else. Sure we would like to see forge playlists among other things, but :343: is not going to do these. This is the sad truth.
    But to be fair, its not developers at :343: killed you for the sniper, or quit out the game, it was a halo gamer just like me and you. Im not trying to excuse :343:, they don ****ed it up. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here, but things as small as; dealing with a map you dont like, waiting for the next sniper to spawn, or even just getting involved in the halo community to join mass organized custom games, can be enough to keep the mcc alive a bit longer. We are the people we play with, and thats the only thing we can make better for ourselves
    WAR likes this.

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