The Halo Forge Epidemic YouTube channel was created on April 2, 2011. It quickly established itself as the 'go to' channel for forge content at YouTube. In the 4 1/2 years since its inauguration, THFE has amassed over 85,000 subscribers, and 22 million view. During that time, many contributors have come and gone. It was recently announced at Halo Customs that the two remaining contributors (@PA1NTS and @Psychoduck) have decided to part ways with the channel. If you've been a fan of their work, then fret not because they will both be continuing their coverage of forge on the ForgeHub YouTube Channel. This is where the winners of the Meet Your Maker: Squad CTF Forge Contest will be announced, so be sure to stay tuned for that (#SOON).
Here's a portion of the official announcement of the change, which was posted by Psychoduck.
"Yesterday marked the five-year anniversary of Halo: Reach: a game which was truly instrumental in bringing Halo's forge community to life. One of the biggest pieces of forge community history born during Reach's lifespan was a YouTube channel called TheHaloForgeEpidemic. What began as a way for [REDACTED] to showcase his talents as a mini game forger quickly evolved into a major community phenomenon. THFE map features become the most viewed forge content on YouTube and the channel thrived. With help from the talented commentator Bevans Law and the enterprising Oakley HiDef, THFE became a respected community group.
In January of 2012, I came on board in order to feature what we then called "competitive" maps on the channel. I eased in with big team battle maps because they were what I knew best. I soon began featuring a variety of core Halo maps and slowly began earning the respect of forgers from that side of the community. Around this time, Bevans departed from the channel and [REDACTED] ceased producing content for it. Since that time, [REDACTED] has had no direct contribution to the channel whatsoever. Instead, he sat back in the shadows: pulling the strings and taking 100% of the channel's (then considerable) profits for himself, despite generating none of them. To my knowledge, most of this money was spent on illegal drugs."
To read the rest of this sordid tale, and to relive some of the better days from their time with THFE, click here -
The End of an Era
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by a Chunk, Sep 16, 2015.
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by a Chunk, Sep 16, 2015.
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