Hey all, I'm having issues getting objects in my map to reveal themselves during Incursion when certain points are being attacked. I have followed Certain Affinity's labeling for Territories and removing objects works, but revealing doesn't seem to function. So far I've tried a combination of labels and altering other properties but I can't get them to reveal. Any help getting some structural pieces to reveal themselves properly would be much appreciated.
I had the same issue. I ended up just using scripting. And used a trigger to despawn my object. I spent hours figuring that out and couldn't make it work. I suggest using scripting. To make it despawn when your players get to a certain point of your map.
Thanks for the reply, and sorry for my late one! Yeah I tried playing with it for awhile and ended up making a trigger zone in order to get the objects I wanted to spawn in and call it good. I just find it weird that I can remove objects fine but not reveal them, maybe a bug?
Its a bug 343 will never fix that even though that will change how some forge maps are played out but oh well too late now.