Legendary DLC Problem

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by OMG Productions, May 27, 2008.

  1. OMG Productions

    OMG Productions Ancient
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    Close please!
    #1 OMG Productions, May 27, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2008
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    When you get into Halo 3, go into custom games and select maps. It'll load it up. If it doesn't,I have no ****ing clue what's wrong with your box. Perhaps you should buy a new one.
  3. OMG Productions

    OMG Productions Ancient
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    I just recently got a new Xbox (about 3 or 4 months ago). It doesn't load in the Matchmaking, Forge, or Custom Games.
    I hope I don't need a need a new one.
  4. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Have you ever been playing the Xbox for a long while, and then someone/something accidentally hit it? When the Xbox is hot, it has a disk running, and someone bumps it, it causes the game info to become corrupt, because the bump shifts the warm, somewhat soft suface of the game disk, making it unreadable. It looks like an ordinary disk. You may just need a new Halo 3 disk. If not, I'm in the situation Nemihara is, the "idk what to #$*@ do!" situation.
    #4 Wraith, May 27, 2008
    Last edited: May 27, 2008
  5. OMG Productions

    OMG Productions Ancient
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    I'll try and borrow or rent another disc when I can, but until then does anyone have other tips?
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    No, that can't be it. Legendary DLC downloads to the HDD. It would load even if a few other maps were corrupted.
  7. OMG Productions

    OMG Productions Ancient
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    Hm. I'll give Microsoft a call tomorrow.
  8. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Could it have messed with the code on the disk so that it can't accept DLC. Then again, it could be one of those one-in-a-million situations in which everything else that isn't obvious goes wrong.
  9. OMG Productions

    OMG Productions Ancient
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    I hope that doesn't become the case. I'm going to call Microsoft after I go to the mall and post back here.
  10. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    I was just wondering something about your problem, the GamerTag you are using to play in MatchMaking or Custom games, is this the one you used to purchase and download the maps?
    Also have you sent your Xbox360 in for repairs after purchasing the maps?

    EDIT: When I go into match making and it says failed to load maps, which often happens, this is what I have to do for them to work.

    Go to custom games from the main menu
    Go to maps and change the map from which ever the default map is [For me it's Last Resort]
    It'll say it's loading... Then it will say loading again
    After it loads twice, select maps again and you should get the full list
    After that it should be fine, custom or match making
    #10 Reynbow, May 28, 2008
    Last edited: May 28, 2008
  11. OMG Productions

    OMG Productions Ancient
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    No, my gamertag has stayed the same all the way, and I haven't sent in the Xbox after buying the maps.
    I've tried the custom games thing repeatedly, and it doesn't work. Thanks for trying to help me :/
  12. Dwert

    Dwert Ancient
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    Wow,nice job explaining Reynbow.

    If that doesn't work,then instead of renting a new disc or even buying one try this method:

    Put your disk label down
    Take some liquid wax and pour about a dollar coin amount on the disc
    Take a soft cloth and rub it all around the disc (just on the data side)
    After it is all spread,lay it out for about a half hour
    And then just wipe the wax off

    After I did that with MY halo 3 disc,it worked fine.I had the disc unreadable error,but I am kind of sure it would fix your problem.
    *I am not responsible if you ruin any software*
    Lol,I have to put that otherwise people blame me if it doesn't work.
  13. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    He mentioned that he checked the game disk for dirt or scratches, and it didn't have any. If the disk he owns has been "bumped" (which I explained earlier), it doesn't matter if he cleans it. It will just be a clean, corrupted disk, unfortunately. But that's only if he or someone/something "bumped" the Xbox.
  14. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    I noticed you said that you have already tried clearing the cache on your HDD using the Y, X, X, LB, RB, X, X method.
    Have you re-downloaded the Legendary maps after doing that? I once cleared the cache after I had downloaded the Heroic map pack and there is/was a common bug that would require you to re-download the map pack after clearing the cache on the HDD, also you would have to update Halo3 again when starting it up. So make sure you have or had re-downloaded the maps after clearing the cache.

    Also, have you tried the simple Halo3 clear? I know if you hold the Up Arrow and the A button at the same time while Halo3 starts up you will do a simpler version of the cache clear. That sometimes fixes problems similar to this.

    Other then those two options I can not think of anything else that may be causing the problem. =\

    EDIT: Another thing I just thought of, that probably wouldn't do much. When you re-download the maps did you just re-download or did you actually delete the maps from the HDD then re-download. I would suggest deleting the maps from the HDD and re-downloading. Thought like I said, probably wouldn't do anything.
    #14 Reynbow, May 28, 2008
    Last edited: May 28, 2008
  15. OMG Productions

    OMG Productions Ancient
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    I didn't know about the simple way, and I tried deleting the old one a little bit ago and neither works..I guess I'm **** out of luck until I feel like handling Microsoft's lame customer service :/
  16. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Mmm yeah, sorry I couldn't figure out what the hell is going on ... Lol
    Have you tried asking on the BNet forums?
  17. OMG Productions

    OMG Productions Ancient
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    Yeah, I'm getting the same response as here, and now no replies on BNet at all.
  18. OMG Productions

    OMG Productions Ancient
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    Still no working replies from there, can anyone think of any other methods?

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