I hope you enjoy it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neBOd3h9I0w&fmt=18 And if you don't mind, could someone bump my bungie thread for this? it is here: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21398064&viewreplies=true#end Please and thank you.
this was actually kinda cool. nice song choice, its sooo catchy ;D and your quote was like teh bEst evAr lolz. srsly, good job.
Nice choice of music, however, I have some suggestions: 1. Don't use fades, except at the beginning, a montage should be fast-paced and fades slow it down 2. Don't show yourself dieing, his a montage of your good moments, even if they end in you dieing. 3. Cut more off your clips. It might make your montage shorter, but it'll make it more interesting.
no scope montages should just have single shot no scopes, unless accompanied by a higher ranking multi kill. so basically firing 4 shots, and getting the head shot, shouldn't be in a montage. shooting twice, and getting a single kill, shouldn't be in a montage. And i hate to break it to you, almost all your clips are not no scope montage worthy. yeah, i judge these things too harshly sometimes.
I love it when you go for the no scope and just line it up perfectly and you just know its a headshot..
6.5/10 Great clip, amazing skills but it isnt epic. I dont like the waiting. Edit, dont speed up the time between kills, it looks tacky. Also that song has been used quite a lot, its good but it has lost some of its effect. BTW: whats the name of the song? I love the clip just those few things you could improve on when making montages.