Danix 92 submitted a new map: Sanctuary - APK Sanctuary Remake by Danix 92 Read more about this map...
I hope you asked him before posting his video here. I'm not a big fan of remakes, but this looks pretty good. I just don't see the point in making a remake of someone's remake, then posting someone else's video to show your map. I hope you can do more forging in H4 because the community needs more maps for that game. If you like doing remakes though, I think it would be nice to see someone do their own version of Countdown in H4. I know APK did that one too a few years back and so did Arcasius, but I don't think anyone has brought one to MCC yet. I would suggest putting your own spin on it though.
This is the first remake ive done in my forge career dude, i remade it brecause on H4 i played this map hours and hours with my friends (many 1v1 for example) and i wanted it back on MCC, i wanted it on 1080p 60fps H4... ive remade this map FOR MYSELF, not for the glory or for stole the others people work, and i liked share my (his) work to the community beacuse this is such a great map... I have done a map for H2A (not a remake) but i dont like the result and to be honest i dont like the H2A forge in general, maybe ill post it here on Forge Hub but i don't know when, i don't think that ill forge anymore on H4 MCC, simply because very few people play this game anymore (H4)... i have a nice project for H5 but we all have to wait for it Thanks for the compliments dude, but i didn0t do nothing special, this his HIS WORK, not mine, in this case i was just a "porter" (Sorry if i have done some errors but i'm not american <3)