The new IP for Ubisoft that kicks ass. I got this for Christmas and its been taking me away from Halo alot. I just can get over how beautiful the game looks and how smooth the gameplay is. The Combat controls are amazing and every game should take notice...The other controls are flawless also but they do take some getting used to. Everyone says it gets old quick but I dissagree...I just like to get into fights alot.
i dont like the hold rt-press x, its too easy...and the ending was horrible...other than that it was amazing
i think the fights happen too often, but it never really got too old for me...just break it up sometimes by jumping randomly on rooftops ;D
Haha I'm actually getting close to the end...I like trying to sneak up on people and stuff and throw knives at them....I like just watching the fights and trying to throw people off roofs or into those wooden structures No spoilers Please :-X
did u get up to the highest point in the game? i tried to do the leap of faith and missed and fell and felllllllllllllll lol
I'd traverse the rooftops, throw knives at those I didn't like, jump down and assassinate someone.. Life was good. Untill it ended..
yea it ended way too early...i mean like it was pretty long but it was awesome... :'( im hoping AC2 actually lets u like assassinate your targets instead of a random huge fight and has a good ending, and will let u swim (tried jumping into the river to avoid being caught ;D )
I don't own this game, but I watched my friend play it. It was hilarious: Acidentally, on the last level, he had at least 30 guys chasing him, so he ran up to the rooftop, but they followed him. Then, he found a ladder that was the only way up to where he was, and all the people started climbing after him. He just stood there throwing knives at them and killed every single one! Lol
i had 1 part where i actually was running away after an assassination and i accidentally ran into someone, knocking them into a bunch...then my player obviously had to start sitting whereupin he sat INTO the person, who was then stuck running and SCREAMING her lungs out as she ran around thru my head. i couldnt get off, cuz every time i tried, she would knock me was pretty hilarious until the guards
I expierenced a weird glitch I was hiding in one of those curtain things and the guards came running up the ladder and I locked on to one of them and somehow I couldnt Unlock from the guard. I kept trying to get out of the hut but because I was locked they kept staring strait at knowing where I was but then now knowing....It was annoying and I had to exit it.
i had a wonderful time with this title, except a little bit of trouble understanding the ending and whatnot. if you haven't played this game, i would suggest you try it, but read all the little emails or some of the story doesn't make sense.
it didnt really make sense either way lol BTW, when u see the professor dude standing away from u and towards the window, steal his pen key, you need it to get into the room BTW2, is the girl an Assassin? after i returned it (i rented) my friend said she was missing her 4th finger...
After the second assassination (I was in Acre) there was this HUGE rooftop fight. It was really cool cuz I got stuck on an archway inbetween two buildings and guards kept coming from both ends. It was a really awesome fight until some stupid archer came 5 minutes later (I had more guards on me then when you have to assassinate William D'Mulfrat (can't spell, sorry).
I've finished it the endings a bit weird but still a good game to play i like to throw knives at archers from a distance and run along rooftops and also leap of faith
To those who have beat the game like myself I'm stuck. After the credits I'm stuck in the labritory room and don't know where to go. I didn't pick up the pen if that makes a difference but I just want to go back into the annimus and play the game some more so that I can work toward more of the achievements. Please Help!