Hey guys, recently I was thinking of ways to create an RPG style gametype for MCC. The basic idea I initially thought of is that you "rank up" or earn rewards from kills, points, etc. The only way I can think of doing this is through Juggernaut. It might be able to work if you can set the gametype to allow multiple juggernauts and also require a certain amount of kills or points to become one. What are some ways an RPG gametype might be possible? Hopefully this post gave you some ideas to brainstorm.
I did a city RP on Reach for years. However, a lack of proximity voice in 4 and MCC made it unplayable on those games.
Hey Collin, I remember blue death haha. Coincidentally this is Fred (Altruistic) if you were unaware. Weird how out of all the people who could have replied it was you
You mean something like this? http://www.halocustoms.com/maps/destiny-iii.233/ Player made a pretty good ranking system in his "Destiny" gametype from Halo 4. But the best map for such a gametype is probably Forge World since it has the biggest mixed landscape in Halo. Good luck making it!
That's exactly what I was thinking of doing at first! Today I designed my map more like Runescape. I added a wilderness for pvp as well as other pvp zones. There are mini games in various places to earn weapons and vehicles. I added a cave that also has a workable mining system. I'll link you the forgehub post when i'm done