Chronmeister submitted a new map: Trifex - 2-4 Players (Slayer Pro, or no Abilities/Sprint OK) Read more about this map...
Not bad at all. I wanted to believe that all three Forge systems on H3, H4, and H2a would all be used and shared by the community. We may have that opportunity now that they are fixed and we have file browsing, albeit small.
Yeah, that was my hope too. It seems like too many people have unsubstantiated hate for H4 and it is kinda irritating. I like having the ability to sprint sometimes and I think the majority of the people who play FPS's do too. With H4 running so smoothly on Xbone, i wonder why more people aren't making maps in it. The game has settings that can be changed so its not like you have to play with Incineration Cannons and Jetpacks. Anyway, this probably wont be my only H4 map. I will still forge in H2A, but the lighting and textures were really starting to get old to me. I hope other people will give H4 another shot.
Thanks man. Sorry I didn't accept you invites last night. I can't test very well after the wife and kids get home. Playing the game and listening to 3-4 people talk to me at once makes me suck even worse than I usually do. That's why I had to leave the flag lobby. I'm working on a metal map right now that I wanna show you soon. Thanks for the feedback and yeah, H4 rocks are sweet.
Not to worry Chron, I am working on one now. Just needed something different than carved stone pallette.