Interchange H2A

Discussion in 'Map Discussion' started by leegeorgeton, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    Your view about this Map?
  2. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    "Unique even for a basic figure 8. The idea to have a short open upper connection between the 2 main bases makes for constant contention and forces the users to look for those safer routes. Would have loved to have seen more visual architecture (Such as the Dome map from previous titles)."

    Thanks for the review. As for making it more aesthetically pleasing, I was hoping that I would be able to do so when I remade the map in H2A. I was very disappointed that I ran into frame rate issues (in two player split screen) earlier than I did in the Halo 4 version. I traded out some of the objects for others and was able to get it running smoothly, but I ran out of objects.

    I will give it another try when Halo 5 comes out. There are a lot of aspects of my original vision for the map that I haven't been able to implement yet due to forge constraints.
    FRYMEN1 likes this.
  3. FRYMEN1

    FRYMEN1 Mythic
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    Just throwing it out there for those that do not know (mainly, the map creator):

    I never knew about the underground Halo community of forge until Halo 4. Interchange was one of the first maps I downloaded, and it became one of the most played maps with family and friends. It came to the point where I was known for hosting lobbies and at some point, interchange was always in the rotation.

    Thanks again for creating Interchange. You have allowed me to find a new calling in my videogame hobby. Lobby hosting.
    leegeorgeton likes this.

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