Hello all, I have just been working on my first full map in the MCC and I was just hoping I would get some feedback from the community. The Spawns and weapons spots have yet to be put down and I still need to make it appealing to the eye. The map will be in my file share. Hope to hear the feedback, all is welcome both positive and negative. Gamertag: CheapBox v2 Map: Refuge
You should post some screenshots or a video. People rarely download anything without having some idea of what they're downloading.
You can take screenshots by double tapping the x button on your controller and pressing y, then you can just type in your gamertag to xboxdvr.com and link us to that page with all of those pictures
A little confusing, given the presence of an actual 'x' button. He means double tap the xbox home button, then press y for screenshot. Also, don't worry that the menu pops up when you do this, the screenshot is of the moment you double tapped the button so the menu will not be there. That fooled me for longer than I'd care to admit...