around a year ago we lost that fella. it's funny we outlasted the bastard, you know, you, Furry, with your AIDS and my muscular dystrophy how is that AIDS?
I was saddened when I heard about Sarge. We weren't always on the best of terms with each other, but I respected his advice where it counted.
If it is it's a damn good one. His last twitter post was like one or two days before I received a skype message about his passing.
It's odd. I've seen his account logged in here at least 2 or 3 times over the last few months. Last time was just over a week ago. I would guess someone else must have the login info for that account, but I don't really know.
No idea. I'm not serious. I think he would have at least kept people in the regular Skype group in the loop.
I remember this one time Sarge thought having more physical dollar bills equated to having more money rather than the amount printed on the bill. Classic Sarge, ya know.
Not much. Trying to get a summer job before I head back to school. Kind of lost hope on that though cause I live in the middle of nowhere at the moment.
If only we knew someone that Essias trusted enough to give his account details to. I wonder if Chuck knows who it is. Those two were really close. In entirely different news, where the **** are the microsoft points I won in the forgotten treasures tournament? Seriously ForgeHub, I've been waiting more than 5 years at this point. When I won those points we still had a black president and a black moderator. And Halo was still fun.
Came here because reddit is too dramatic, just to find out that someone I really liked and respected has died. Damn...