News Halo 5: WARZONE Multiplayer Game Mode

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Jun 15, 2015.

By WAR on Jun 15, 2015 at 2:39 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    New 12 vs 12 multiplayer game mode, WARZONE, announced. Player vs player and everything else as AI enemies are scattered on each map.

    Extended Gameplay:

    - 12 vs 12 for a total of 24 players
    - Customizable loadouts at spawn
    - Complete objectives to earn points
    - Destroy the enemy core for an instant victory
    - Defeat Legendary Boss enemies to gain points
    - 1 point per kill
    - First team to 1000 points wins
    - 18 minute match length
    - Access power weapons and vehicles through Requisition Terminals on each map
    - Tons of land and Air Vehicles available (Including new Forerunner "Phaeton" air vehicle)
    - Capture and hold 3 "bases" to gain access to the enemy core
    - Bosses and AI will be able to drive vehicles

    "The REQ System rewards players across both our multiplayer experiences. Players will earn REQ Points after each match in Arena or Warzone multiplayer, which can then be redeemed for REQ Packs. So what goodies are in REQ Packs? Each pack contains a variety of requisitions (REQs) in the form of unlockable weapons and armors, skins, assassination animations, and more. In addition, players will receive REQ Packs as rewards when they level up their Spartan Rank (SR) and complete Commendations across multiplayer.

    While players will earn REQ Packs across both Arena and Warzone, only cosmetic items can be used in our Arena experience. This is to ensure that all players start with the same weapons and abilities as part of our vision for the balanced, competitive play in Arena multiplayer.

    In Warzone, our new massive-scale multiplayer experience, we wanted to give fans even more variety and choice in how they play. Within Warzone, you’ll have the ability to deploy a multitude of weapons and vehicles from your inventory of REQs throughout a match. These requisitions are governed and balanced by Warzone’s in-match REQ Level and Energy systems, which are driven by player and team performance within the mode.

    The REQ System is designed to generously reward players with a steady stream of content to keep gameplay fresh. We’ll be continuing to release new REQ content, post launch, so there are always new toys to play with. All REQ content in the game can earned through the regular course of play in multiplayer. We’ll also give players the option to purchase REQ Packs as a matter of convenience, with a portion of the proceeds going toward prize pools for the Halo Championship Series. Stay tuned for more details on Halo 5 esports plans later this summer."
    - Josh Holmes

    Increase your level by gaining kills and completing objectives. Purhase power weapons and vehicles with the energy you collect while playing.


    • Collect "REQ PACKAGES" by completing campaign missions or multiplayer games. These are cards that you can bring into a multiplayer game. This is for one time use only, once a card is used it will be removed from inventory. Gain access to your weapons via Requisition Terminals once you have the required energy to unlock it.














    #1 WAR, Jun 15, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2015
    moo43, xKAMIKAZEx, a Chunk and 2 others like this.
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Jun 15, 2015.

    1. MartianMallCop
      So its skirmish from reach with AIs more players and base cores. Very intriguing. It could be a hit or a miss but I like how it sounds.
      --- Double Post Merged, Jun 15, 2015 ---
      But I don't see the falcon so I'm still disappointed
    2. Jesus in Malibu
      Jesus in Malibu
      This looks pretty neat from a non-Halo standpoint.
      REMkings likes this.
    3. Blaze
      I knew they were going to do something so I convinced myself to go in with a completely open mind. That being said.... I'm terribly disappointed. I feel like :343: goes out of there way to ignore the problems halo has so they can make it shiny for all the kids at launch day rather than making the game into a game to be played for years.

      With btb alone the map pool has already divided thin for every player count. With 15-20 maps we are left with 3-4 maps that are suited for every popular player count and a few that play some in between. Btb maps being the least diverse, they are hardly suitable for anything besides 8v8 if you want to sind someone but then you are left with running across canyons with no cover and 8 people shooting at you. Now.... we have larger plains with more platers to shoot at you. Maps 4 times the SIZE. Who thought that was a good idea when just about any of the larger btb maps we normally have could easily plat 12v12 if you added a slight bit of segregation. The awe of scale is NOT good for halo.

      There are also maps that will be dedicated to Breakout specifically. How many maps does this leave us with for original gametypes with lower player counts? Maybe 2 or 3 each? None of the maps we have seen so far will support 1v1-2v2 well but giving them slack you COULD play some slow paced campfest matches on the ones we have played. If we are lucky those 2-3 well suited maps mixed with the 2-3 slightly large/small maps will last us a month before we get sick of playing them over and over.

      For example, halo 4 shipped with 0 map truly ideal for 2v2, 4 maps playable for 4v4 but most better for 5v5-6v6, and then what 6 btb maps? some pretty much only shining in dominion? This doesn't take in account the forge maps on disk but do I need to explain why?

      Does this also mean that because it's 4 times the size of the larges maps in halo that it has taken 4 times the attention to create the maps? Did they half-ass these? Devide the half-assness between all of them or what? Because if I've learned anything observing :343: it's that they pay little to no attention to the fine details of map design aside from the art department. On the design side they just let the art team have it and take no notice to clutter or any of the minor details that make a huge difference in map design. Overall, I feel like with such big projects, it will slip their mind even further.

      Not to mention that when the population dies off because the map pool is so immensely separated, you won't even be able to get a match in this 12v12 mode. Again, look at halo 4, it was hard to even get a 4v4 match after a few months of that game.

      This all being said, I'm not complain as much as expressing a concern aperently no one gave a minute of thought before choosing awe over quality.... Sorry. On a good note, does this mean we will have enough objects in forge to build maps for a playercount of 24? Because that seems like we might have enough pieces to build a non limited design in forge. :)

      Anyway, that's how I feel this will effecth e non warzone areas of the game in a negitive way. And so far, I see no plus size at all because honestly, it doesn't even look fun from a casual, laid back point of sire.

      Also, I'll leave this here to pick apart later on. Some ofh the e things they say in this video elaborate for me of why it's not a good thing.

      Sorry for the negitivity. I am just passionate about halo and I truly care for its future as a franchise.
      Last edited: Jun 16, 2015
    4. REMkings
      This is awful. It looks like BTB Heavies. But even worse. Dafuq.

      And the ability to purchase power weapons by collecting energy is just another take on the personal ordnance drops concept from Halo 4 and therefore yet another kick in the stomach of true Halo fans. I'm getting increasingly doubtful whether or not I should even buy this game. I guess it depends on Forge... as always.
      K a n t a l o p e and Psychoduck like this.
    5. REMkings
      In that ViDoc as posted by Blaze there's this guy at 5:29 who really points out to me why :343: is incapable of bringing back that typical arena Halo style. There are more things covered that will likely turn out to be apparent changes for the worse, but they say it as if it's a good thing. They just don't get it and it's a shame.
      Psychoduck and FrostPhoenix0 like this.
    6. FrostPhoenix0
      I agree about the guy at 5:29. The fighting for vehicles/weapons/powerups is necessary for competitive Halo. That being said, I don't think that this is, or ever was, intended to be a highly competitive sort of game type. I think it's more meant to be a mode where you can just jump in and shoot **** up somewhat mindlessly. I expect the other gametypes will be considerably more competitive.

      I'm interested to give it a go, and wary of condemning the game for this. That being said, each to their own.
      Behemoth likes this.
    7. coIdFUSI0N
      Add Battlefield mechanics to Halo. Offer a Battlefield Halo gamemode. Makes sense.
      Psychoduck and Erupt like this.
    8. REMkings
      Oh, don't worry. I'll probably just get the game anyway. I'm too much of a Halo fanboy to sit this one out. And so far the Forge features definitely DO look really promising.
    9. Behemoth
      I had a wall of text ready for you naysayers, but I just don't care anymore. I'm excited for everything Halo 5 has to offer. If I end up not liking Warzone, so be it. We'll still have forge, an amazing campiagn, 1v1-8v8 customs/matchmaking like we've always had but with some new things, which we'll be able to configure. All in all, I'm ****ing stoked. I just wish there wasn't so much ****in' negetivity, but it's understood. I hope to see you ALL on Halo 5.
    10. Jesus in Malibu
      Jesus in Malibu
      Get ready for more (justified, if I may say so) negativity. Warzone will not be forgable under any circumstances. The map and gametype will not allow for forging whatsoever. Eat ****, 343.

    11. Psychoduck
      Where is this negativity you're referring to? The only sort of rebuttal any of the people who are excited about Halo 5 have when others bring up its faults is the cop-out of just writing us off as being "negative". It's completely asinine. Let's allow logical discussions to take place without throwing words like negativity around for no reason, eh? If you're excited about the game, good for you. I'll point out that you have no basis whatsoever for your statement about the campaign being amazing as we know little about it. But, as I said, no one is preventing you from being excited. The complaint about negativity appears to indicate a need to justify your own excitement about the game in the face of logical reasoning for why others aren't. If you don't have enough faith in your own opinion of the game to refrain from complaining about the opinions of others differing from it, you've got a problem.

      Frankly, I am rather tired of being called "negative" by people who are blind to my reasoning for not being excited about the game. I am not excited because I have been a Halo fan for ten years and am now being completely marginalized in an effort to make the franchise appeal to people who are playing it for the first time or actually disliked it in the past. That isn't me being negative, that's me being disappointed that the game I have loved for years and the community I have put hundreds of hours of time and effort into are now under the stewardship of people who fail to understand it at every level.

      In short, I respect that you are excited. Why the hell can't you respect the fact that myself and others are not?
      REMkings and Behemoth like this.
    12. Behemoth
      Okay man, I wasn't calling you or anyone else out. I just hate to see this community either divided or straight up hate on these things. That's all.
      Like I said before, I totally understand the disappointment and such. I just don't get the HARSH negativity I've seen a lot of people spew. I should have worded things differently or not at all.
      Didn't mean to offend anyone, just kind of half-assed showing my opinion.
      I'm too damned optimistic sometimes.
      REMkings likes this.
    13. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      This post isn't really specifically about Warzone, but since we don't really have a thread dedicated to Halo 5, this is as good a place as any to post it...

      After all of the comments :343: employees have made about wanting to maintain a consistent core gameplay experience throughout the game, now they're revealing Warzone, which features a system akin to personal ordnance, and weapon attachments that alter the way your gun works. Meanwhile, in the Arena portion of the game, those don't exist.

      They really can't use the argument of maintaining consistent core gameplay as a reason to keep Sprint or any of the other Spartan Abilities in the Arena portion of the game now. I hope they'll at least consider removing them from the HCS playlist. I think it should be tested both ways, with all parties doing their best to judge how it plays unbiasedly.
    14. FrostPhoenix0
      Didn't they say ages ago that Sprint would be able to be switched off in custom games or something? Or was that just the Spartan abilities?
    15. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      There's a toggle for Sprint in Custom Games. Not sure about the other Spartan Abilities (though toggling sprint off would obviously also eliminate Shoulder Charge and Slide).

      I'm mostly interested in watching competitive Halo, and having :343: in charge of settings worries me a bit. They're naturally going to want to show off the Spartan Abilities, since that's the thing that's meant to set Halo 5 apart from previous Halo games. I worry that it will result in a competitive Halo I don't enjoy watching or playing. Ultimately, I think it would be best to have a neutral party determine which settings are best suited for HCS, but I realize that's completely unrealistic. I hope that whoever is in change of selecting the settings at :343: makes it a priority to use whatever settings are best for competitive Halo, even if that means removing Spartan Abilities.

      I guess I'm happy to see that they're completely contradicting previous statements by developing a mode that's drastically different from the rest of the game, because it means that 'maintaining a consistent core gameplay experience' is no longer a valid excuse for keeping Spartan Abilities in the Arena portion (HCS in particular) of the game.
    16. FrostPhoenix0
      So, this may be a totally terrible idea, but maybe they could have specific tournaments/gametypes or something where these abilities are enabled, and some where they are not.
    17. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      I don't think that would go over very well with competitors, since the game would play completely different. I wouldn't mind seeing pre-launch tournaments where they do that though. It would be a good way to see how the game plays with both settings before the official HCS season begins.
    18. Orzium
      I just see the new war zone gametype as a casual playlist that isn't competitive at all and doesn't uphold the areana styled gameplay that halo has always had (not h4). With this being said, the whole gaining credits and being able to use them for weapons is new and again this is a casual aspect. Obviously this aspect will not be included in competitive play which therefore means if your not a fan of this CASUAL gametpye, then simply just don't play it. Other gametypes will allow for gameplay to be arena styled if that it what you want. Just remember that all of this stuff was said to be toggleable in customs games. Im slighly also over people saying that the game is turning into battlefield or cod, obvously the whole point of making a video game in the 21st century is to make as much money as possible, i dont agree with this but it has naturally happened, and in order for companies to gain more money they need to sell more copies of the game, and if taking aspects from other games can entice people to play halo 5 just because it may have aspects from other games, they are going to do that.
      CommanderColson likes this.
    19. Psychoduck
      The core gameplay was already proven to be inconsistent in the beta with Breakout; the mode had different health settings than the rest of the game. SWAT gets away with different health settings because it effectively makes all players "one shot", a recognizable state in Halo's health system. Breakout was just inconsistent with the rest of the game. Even the offerings coming with this game will serve to divide the player base to a great extent. those effects will be magnified once you factor in the large part of the community which will play Legacy settings.

      Also, there's no way in hell that Spartan Abilities will be removed in competitive play. Even though a lot of them detract from competitive play and lessen the skill gap, this is their vision of what competitive Halo is to become and it isn't going anywhere. Also, playing on the overscaled maps in the base game with sprint and clamber disabled would not work, so having settings which disable them will require proprietary forge maps anyway.

      Regarding Orzium's post, I agree. However, there are ways to maximize sales without merely ripping off other popular trends in the industry. If the game were actually innovating rather than attempting to play catch-up to other franchises, it would have a much easier time standing out from the crowd. As it stands, H5 will likely suffer a similar identity crisis to H4 where it utterly alienates Halo players but also fails to truly engage the customers it's trying to steal from other franchises. If the game were actually being built on new innovative features, it could at least successfully create a new market even if it were still at the cost of the Halo fans of the past decade.
      REMkings, WAR and a Chunk like this.

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