Looks smexy! But I can see a lot of people jumping off.... which isn't exactly bad. It looks like there is going to be a lot of long range fights with nowhere to escape. (could be wrong but i'd like to play on it for sure.)
I am gonna be testing it tonight if you want to join. I should add a Brute Shot so I can blow people off the map. Seriously though, the bottom has rails all around it and the mid and top are supposed to be more risky. Glad you like it, I hope to test with you soon.
Hopefully I get off of work at a decent time tonight Otherwise, I'll just download it and load it up with a few buddies.
Nice looking map, Chron. I love the simple, strong, bold, look of it. I understand the lack of railing up high as long as it doesn't lead to non-stop falling to one's death. It appears that the player will often just merely fall to a level below, but I might think about placing some railings here and there on the upper levels. It's still annoying to fall off the edge while engaging in a fight even if you don't die. I'm probably getting ahead of myself since I haven't played on the map yet, so don't take it harshly. It looks like an easily understandable layout with some interesting options for moving from level to level. I'm not sure about the object count, but it looks like you got quite a bit of map with a relatively low object count.
Thanks for the feedback. I have a gameplay flythrough above now so you can get a better look at it. I hope we can get some games on it this weekend.